Author Of “Angels Walking With Us” on Lyme Light Radio; Messages of Guidance for Those in Need

As we struggle in life many of us often feel confused, alone, afraid and lost. Chronic illness, especially a debilitating one like Lyme disease, cause alarm and often brings up huge spiritual questions about our struggles and suffering.

Feeling isolated and odd, it is important to learn that actually we are not alone!

It is my pleasure to interview author of “Angels Walking With Us”, George Popovici, on Lyme Light Radio, Wednesday March 5, 1pm PT/4pm ET. This show will explore the supportive and beautiful relationship to the angelic realm and how faith and our belief systems can actually ignite healing.

pic-cover003-320Angels are all around us, reaching out to offer comfort, guidance, and hope. For George Popovici, an award-winning safety engineer who had it all in the prime of his life, the people who appeared in his life as angels offered him hope in the midst of his despair as he searched for answers to a mysterious illness that had ripped away the perfect health he’d enjoyed all of his life.After a desperate eight-year search to find out why he had fallen so ill, and after seeing 42 physicians, George finally discovered that he was suffering from late-stage Lyme Disease. He learned of and sought out Maureen Hancock, a famous medium who told him that there was a purpose behind his illness: he was to bring together stories of hope and healing to inspire people who are desperate and ready to give up hope. He realized that his illness was part of God’s plan to encourage him to reach out to others who were in need of help.

“Angels Walking with Us” tells the story of George’s quest for answers and treatment for a disease which affects hundreds of thousands the world over. His courage and persistence allowed him to meet many people and collect stories about divine interventions, miracles, and phenomenal healing from those who gave him hope over the course of his illness

unnamedGeorge Popovici is an award winning, certified safety engineer. He holds a degree in Industrial Technology and has sat on several national level technical committees and authored articles on incident prevention. George now devotes much of his time to helping others who are ill through his charity and by speaking on faith and healing to groups and private organizations. His venues include nursing homes, churches and private institutions dedicated to healing and helping others. George lives in New England.  Contact George at:

This is a double book give away show. Our first five callers at 800-930-2819 during show time will receive autographed copies of both “Angels Walking With Us” and “Out of the Woods”.

Tune un to a profoundly needed conversation on the work of divine forces in our personal healing journey.

With blessing,

Katina I. Makris, CIH, CCH