Huffington Post Awards “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide” #1 Self Help Health Book Summer 2017

What an honor!!

The esteemed Huffington Post blogging team has awarded my timely book “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending the Body, Mind & Spirit” # 1 in Health self-help for summer reading 2017.

This book reflects the major pieces you can include to overcome these conditions, all within your grasp. We look at the long overdue paradigm shift needed in health care, regarding a plea for Integrative Medicine, dietary changes you can control, and how tending to the spirit is just as necessary as tending to the body.

A virtual toolbox is laid out in this easy to absorb book. The chapters are not too long and the information completely practical. As a former healthcare newspaper columnist of ten years, I was able to draw on that experience to create a book on a subject very critical to modern times.

50 million Americans and 250 million people worldwide are suffering with some form of autoimmune illness; lupus, MS, RA, CFS, fibromyalgia and many more. Lyme disease is now the fastest spreading infectious illness, growing 4 times faster than AIDS did at its peak in the 1980s.

Acidic diets, stress, exposure to molds and other toxins compromise an individual’s system, leaving them vulnerable to this ‘autoimmune’ relay to occur.

Please share this promising news, that self help is a key factor to a better quality life and less dependency on medications is possible. My new book has been called a ‘life saver’ , a ‘healing bible’ and now ranked so prominently by a world leading news journal.

Thank you Suzanne Kingsbury for sharing in my hard work.


Katina Makris, CCH, CIH

autoimmune cover final
skills to empower your recovery

Living Well With Lyme Disease Healing Workshop

Lyme disease is the fastest spreading infectious illness of the modern day, exploding to the rate of over 300,000 cases annually in the USA alone, with an estimated another 500,000 not being recognized by the average physician or lab and being misinterpreted as an autoimmune illness. HIV at its peak in the early 1980s showed 104,000 new cases annually. This epidemic is spreading faster with ticks as the primary carrier and all demographics and ages groups potentially vulnerable. We are in the midst of a public health care crisis with scant support for the afflicted or those in question.

Dr Richard Horowitz, MD, Dr Tom Francescott, ND and myself, Katina Makris, CCH, CIH offer an all inclusive weekend for Lyme disease resource and recovery at beautiful Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Please join us June 17-19, 2016.

We address the medical aspects, detoxification protocols, homeopathic support and emotional and spiritual sides of this often chronic illness in a nurturing and wholesome environment. No one leaves without gaining tools and insights for their mending as well as information for loved ones.

please read more at this link:

OmegaHealthandHealing2016_Press Release_ForImmediateRelease

May all of us find the inner tools and belief in a healthier tomorrow. Healing happens on the inside and it is my privilege to be a guide in your journey.

With Blessings
