Tick Action: An Online Introduction: Getting Serious About Lyme | Rowe.Center

Tick Action: An Online Introduction: Getting Serious About Lyme | Rowe.Center
— Read on rowe.center/tick-action-an-online-introduction-getting-serious-about-lyme-disease/

Please join me on Wednesday September 22, 2021 for a free Lyme disease virtual class.

This will be a 2 hour format. I will present the first 90 minutes and then we will have 30 minutes of Q & A.

The following 6 weeks will be a Lyme disease recovery series from 7-9 pm et via the Rowe Institute virtual learning program.

I will cover many topics including acute care information, diagnostic testing, chronic case recovery tools with holistic & integrated medicine, as well as dealing with the emotional and spiritual sides of suffering.

As a chronic lyme survivor myself and homeopath of over 35 years, & 20 years working with Lyme disease cases, there will be much valuable material and insights into full life healing.

Please register at the link here and also share with your friends!

Thank you,


Walking The Lyme Road; a Path to Recovery from Autoimmune Illnesses & Lyme Disease with world acclaimed Integrative Medical Practitioners.

Please join award winning “Top Doc of the Year in Neurology and Natural Medicine”, Dr. Jodie Dashore and myself, (homeopath, spiritual healer and award winning author) for a pivotal weekend healing program, at the acclaimed Art of Living Retreat Center, Boone, NC May 10-14, 2017.

Register at: https://artoflivingretreatcenter.org/event-registration/? ee=346 8

The attached flier includes the many features of this completely comprehensive workshop that will span the gamut of traditional western medicine approaches and state of the art diagnostics, as well as the time honored restorative healing modalities of natural medicine.

Both practitioners have thousands of client hours between them within their long decades of private practice dealing with these type illnesses. A very intrinsic element to understand is the need to detoxify the body from biotoxins, infectious tick borne organisms, molds and plastic by-products, GMO inflammatory producing foods, as well as hone in on what systems of the body are damaged and depleted from chronic inflammation. Once these areas can be rebuilt with the aid of Integrative natural medicine tools, a being starts to reclaim some level of wellness and focus on re-regulating the immune system and arresting the ‘inflammation cascade’ of Lyme disease and so called autoimmune diseases, then we find a huge step forwards in mending.

Not to be overlooked is the deeply seated necessity to work with the emotional and spiritual aspects of chronic illness. Both teachers are deeply versed and trained in mind-body medicine and spiritual healing practices that they will guide you in. You will go home from this retreat with practical self help tools to employ in lifestyle management, pain reduction, detox methodology, mind-spirit exercises, caregiver support, physician training and most definitely the deeply profound beauty of being in the presence of enlightened healers whom so graciously share their gifts and energy with you.

Too good to be missed in the tranquil Blue Ridge Mountains. Come join Katina and Jodie for a rare and life altering weekend of healing, inspiration, knowledge and renewal.


Katina and Jodie (Joyti)





Huffington Post Awards “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide” #1 Self Help Health Book Summer 2017

What an honor!!

The esteemed Huffington Post blogging team has awarded my timely book “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending the Body, Mind & Spirit” # 1 in Health self-help for summer reading 2017.


This book reflects the major pieces you can include to overcome these conditions, all within your grasp. We look at the long overdue paradigm shift needed in health care, regarding a plea for Integrative Medicine, dietary changes you can control, and how tending to the spirit is just as necessary as tending to the body.

A virtual toolbox is laid out in this easy to absorb book. The chapters are not too long and the information completely practical. As a former healthcare newspaper columnist of ten years, I was able to draw on that experience to create a book on a subject very critical to modern times.

50 million Americans and 250 million people worldwide are suffering with some form of autoimmune illness; lupus, MS, RA, CFS, fibromyalgia and many more. Lyme disease is now the fastest spreading infectious illness, growing 4 times faster than AIDS did at its peak in the 1980s.

Acidic diets, stress, exposure to molds and other toxins compromise an individual’s system, leaving them vulnerable to this ‘autoimmune’ relay to occur.

Please share this promising news, that self help is a key factor to a better quality life and less dependency on medications is possible. My new book has been called a ‘life saver’ , a ‘healing bible’ and now ranked so prominently by a world leading news journal.

Thank you Suzanne Kingsbury for sharing in my hard work.


Katina Makris, CCH, CIH


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skills to empower your recovery


Living Well With Lyme Disease Healing Workshop

Lyme disease is the fastest spreading infectious illness of the modern day, exploding to the rate of over 300,000 cases annually in the USA alone, with an estimated another 500,000 not being recognized by the average physician or lab and being misinterpreted as an autoimmune illness. HIV at its peak in the early 1980s showed 104,000 new cases annually. This epidemic is spreading faster with ticks as the primary carrier and all demographics and ages groups potentially vulnerable. We are in the midst of a public health care crisis with scant support for the afflicted or those in question.

Dr Richard Horowitz, MD, Dr Tom Francescott, ND and myself, Katina Makris, CCH, CIH offer an all inclusive weekend for Lyme disease resource and recovery at beautiful Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Please join us June 17-19, 2016.

We address the medical aspects, detoxification protocols, homeopathic support and emotional and spiritual sides of this often chronic illness in a nurturing and wholesome environment. No one leaves without gaining tools and insights for their mending as well as information for loved ones.

please read more at this link:

OmegaHealthandHealing2016_Press Release_ForImmediateRelease

May all of us find the inner tools and belief in a healthier tomorrow. Healing happens on the inside and it is my privilege to be a guide in your journey.

With Blessings




Our Life Path- Leap Year 2016 aligns with powerful channel opening of numbers 11:11.My newest book dovetails with this synergy.

I was keyed in by a few friends, that February 29, 2016 is a special energetic day in our world, as in the system of numerology (how numbers and birth dates, etc add up on an ancient system of insights) the numbers 2.29.2016 individually tallies up to 1111 and some of you know I have had a REALLY profound connection to this configuration over the past 2 plus years, with 11:11 or 1111 appearing everywhere, almost every day, including the condo I am living in in now- on 11111 11th st !!

I have come to learn that this 4 column depiction is a representation that one is being reminded from the Universe, angelic guides, a master guardian or God that when 11:11 keeps appearing you are being asked to stay open and aware and be conscious about your life path, the choices you make and even more directly that you are being encouraged that the efforts you are selecting and embracing are that of your life work. 

I have lived through some hellacious times, bedridden for years, a broken back in a body cast for a year, then a decade later loosing my career and all my savings, home, marriage and more to misdiagnosed Lyme disease over 10 years, and I rallied, dug deep, embraced deep healing work with the beauty of Natural medicine and the profound powers of spiritual healing. The great reward is that I healed 9several times over, and went on to become the #1 spokesperson in the USA for Lyme disease awareness and a beacon of light for the critical key the USA needs for more Integrative Medicine to address chronic illness.

Other miracles were born– I became a radio host, an internationally recognized teacher and was gifted with the ability to heal others (some times spontaneously) by being trained by one of the top medical Intuititives in the USA. And, my work and the path I now walk with pride ,has helped me meet thousands of people and forge so many magnificent connections and friendships.

If I did not embrace these awarenesses and instead went on my merry way or stayed at home in my little New England town, none of this would have occurred. I would not be walking the path I am on and helping break down the walls of denial surrounding Lyme disease and teaching others how to ignite the powers of the mind-body healing pathway via my workshops and teachings.

11:11 is my reminder that the risks I have been taking to be a pioneer, to live selflessly, to let go of my old ‘comfort’ zone and to help awaken others is just what I am supposed to be doing and in all honesty, I love it, though some nights I fall into bed bone tired from the endless energy I pour out into others and into the world, sometimes in group or mass settings. It is wonderful, enlightening, expansive and something I can NOT stop paying attention to.

With all this in mind surround Leap day this year, I kept feeling a lovely chapter from my newest book, rummaging through my mind all day. SO, I took it as a signal that I am meant to share this message to you about Pathways– specifically our unique individual Life and Healing Pathway. I hope you enjoy these words. They are from my heart to yours.


Katina I.Makris, CCH, CIH

Our Own Inner Healing Pathway

Chapter 19 from “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit”, by Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH


I love the word pathway. As a college student I recall favoring exploring the back pathways to a dorm or classroom building instead of following the main route everyone else used. When out on horseback, the shadowed hidden paths at the wood’s edge beckoned me inwards. As a plein air artist I spent three years on a series called “Pathways” capturing meandering streams or sun blazed ruts through a meadow with my buttery oil paints.

“Pathway” suggests a trail to me. Not a blazed, trampled one, but instead one that is evocative and maybe even secret or discrete. Likewise, a pathway gives me a direction. It suggests a way to go; a known route to a destination. Those marked hiking tails up mountainsides maintain distinct progress, as step by step you ascend to the summit, worn roots and knobby boulders passed over by others before you. The path is reassuring—in fact, it is an intricate map of sorts.

I have guided us through the marvelous systems of our body, illustrating the symphony of the endocrine system and the vast network of the nervous system, its delicate dendrites, sending impulses across fibers as we elect to move an arm or unconsciously take a breath. These bodily system pathways still marvel me with their faithful workings and interplay.

A pathway of particular interest and great regenerating capacity is the invisible one working between our mind and body. This pathway was diminished for decades by twentieth century doctors, as they chalked all illnesses and recoveries to physical measures. Why would a mind be involved in physical processes? This blip in modern era medicine will likely be recorded as merely a “disconnected” moment in doctoring, as for thousands of years prior, the mind and spirit were entwined with healing, even taking in great reverent religious tones in Europe of the Middle Ages.

At the dawn of the twentieth century, we witness the growing understanding that our emotions and thoughts actually very much do interconnect with our physiology. Though hospital surgeons remain removed from their patients daily care, the nursing staff pays very keen attention to their post-op charges, working with great nurturance and attention to keep their spirits positive, coaching for a swift recovery and more optimal return to well-being. Nurses intimately know the feelings of their patients, how vulnerability creates fear, pain evokes distress, isolation creates depression.

The endocrine system appears to be the known bodily system that interplays continuously between mind and body. Anger can raise your blood pressure, worry cause a knot in your stomach, grief a lump in your throat, and too much of a workload can create tension in your neck and shoulders. These are just the most obvious acute manifestations of our emotions triggering physiological recourse.

When we recognize that chronic illnesses carry an emotional footprint, too, doesn’t that make you curious to explore the pathway to the origin? My interest is certainly piqued.

The section ahead on the seven energy chakras conveys the assorted emotions piggy-backing with the specific bodily symptoms. The entire human body is not randomly designed. Joy and sorrow favor the lungs, indignation the gallbladder. Metaphysics studies this interplay. Coming to understand these interrelationships puts an extremely different posture on doctoring, as there are more influences to affect change and cure than just externally directed modalities. Humans bear inner powers and use of the mind is a prominent player.

Take a look at each of the 7 chakras in the map section. Here the essential interpretations are illustrated. Much of this chakra information is centuries old. The ancient healers of worldwide cultures follow these threads. It is empowering to learn how to activate the energy of each chakra site and in turn promote more energy flow or the effect of balancing runaway energy in your bodily systems.

The art of stillness, creativity, will, affirmation, intention, meditation, and prayer all have intrinsic roles. These personal powers are natural and free and all yours. You do not have to pay someone for these healing services, you merely must practice them faithfully and with care, because reinforcement on a daily basis is what will translate to cellular change at the physiological level, enabling you to transform a condition, state, or symptoms.

You have the power. My job is to orient you to the pathway. Just as the map of a hiking trail serves the hiker, these pages will help guide you on the mind-body pathway. Igniting this circuit is not that difficult once you understand. The work is in finding clarity within yourself, making a commitment, and persisting with daily practice.

visit wwww.Amazon.com or a local bookstore for a copy of “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit”, published by Helios Press


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skills to empower your recovery

Overcome Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease: a survivor and practitioner’s advice

With my newest book available in paperback, kindle and nook, I wanted to give you a glimpse into why I felt it was so critical to give the public my knowledge on how to recover from Autoimmune Illnesses and Lyme disease, now crippling to USA to the tune of 50 million people and around the globe at 250 million. Mending is feasible, and dependency on pharmaceuticals need not be for a lifetime. I beat the odds to mend 100% and I believe many others can too, when they reclaim their personal power.

Here is the INTRODUCTION from  –“Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit” for you to delve into. This is a VERY worthy book of self help tools and extra healthcare resources. 

“Chronic health care problems have begun to surface at an alarming rate in recent decades. The spectrum of autoimmune illnesses has been in my lens since I first fell seriously ill in the summer of 2000, with what was initially deemed to be a sinus infection, then probable walking pneumonia, and finally labeled as chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic migraine headaches. Five years later, totally bedridden, broken, and newly divorced, I learned that actually I was maimed and struggling with several “hidden” autoimmune cover finalinfections. The primary misdiagnosed culprit was borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. I also hosted Epstein-Barr virus at frighteningly high levels, a parasite called babesia, and a whopping overgrowth of fungi. My lovely home in the New Hampshire countryside was mold infested and my immune system was spinning out of control with raging inflammation and multiple allergies, plus all sorts of depletions. With a shiny bright eight-year-old son under my wing, could I ever live to see him grown or be well enough to go to his Little League games?

After endless visits to specialists and renowned hospitals in New England with scant success of recovery, good fortune finally appeared in the able hands of a sterling clinical nutritionist colleague of mine who knew how to handle these runaway infectious “bugs” and, more importantly, how to restore the malfunctions of my failing body. We worked on detoxifying me from all sorts of externally and internally created toxins, rebuilding my fatigued adrenal glands and thyroid, helping my mitochondria create fuel again and balancing out all sorts of neurotransmitters and blood sugar swings. It took me five years of devoted adherence to lifestyle, dietary, and emotional changes, and it worked! I mended 100 percent.

Even as a holistic healthcare practitioner myself, I had to examine my life and what made me fall so ill and vulnerable to these microbes, and to allow myself the time and process to embrace transformation at all planes—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. As a homeopath, I thought I was versed in helping others heal. This experience asked me to learn even more.

The great good of this journey is that I have spent the last fifteen years learning about the crossover currents of the exploding public health care crisis of Lyme disease (and other tick borne diseases) and the relationship to autoimmune diseases. Though there is obvious linkage between them all, science has not yet pieced together the entire jigsaw puzzle. Some brilliant researchers and very talented and courageous practitioners are forging the way. My instincts tell me that when all the “dots” are finally connected, we will fully understand how these assorted microbes can trigger and mimic Lupus and MS and Alzheimer’s and more. Right now though, what I can offer is the invaluable lessons of my own journey, which translates beyond the personal to the multiple millions who walk in the same shoes I did.

Chronic disease in the autoimmune and Lyme disease spectrum presents an individual with multiple challenges. Facing the realization that you are seeking talent and sources outside yourself to find wellness again is daunting and at times extremely frustrating. The endless days of pain, fatigue, solitude, dependency, and confusion seem endless. Many of us experience loss and despair. And yet, we also want to feel hope—hope for bright, happy times and relief from our suffering. Also, hope that someone will know how to cure us!

In these pages I share my understanding of what mending involves. When we fall ill to chronic disease we fracture in a certain way. Things are never quite the same. There is a sense of displacement or that you just do not feel quite right and that you want to correct it all. What I suggest is that something rather grand is being asked of you in this time of disorder. You are being asked to reflect upon you life status—your behaviors and choices and your habits. And then, you are being asked to make some changes in order to mend.

This book provides a toolbox of assorted options to consider. We explore a great deal of what encompasses health and healing and why we get sick. Also, we look at the role of various key factors that create the terrain for autoimmune illness and Lyme disease to blossom. Why do some of us fall ill to these conditions but not others? And, most importantly, how can I mend from the disease and reclaim my well-being and vitality?

The great arc presiding over the entire journey for me, however, has been the enormous breadth and depth of spirituality’s presence. Serious states, like these diseases present, ultimately bring us into concert with energy beyond the simple self. We are entering the domain of personal transformation and what in modern times is akin to a quest—a quest for higher knowledge, for inner strength, and for assistance in the darkest of times. This journey asks for faith and guidance and an unfurling of the powerful connection we innately bear between our mind and our body and our spirit. For we are marvelous and miraculous beings. We just need to learn how to stitch it all together.

I wrote this book for the all too many who feel at odds with themselves while ill or are perhaps are a caregiver of someone in need. We bear enormous internal gifts. However, many of us have not been taught how to “turn on” the healing codes, or we have forgotten. Mending helps us find our inner compass, to recalibrate during a time of lost navigation and to set our sites on a positive outcome. Like any worthy voyage, not every day is a smooth passage. But you can still reach your destination! Optimal health can be attainable even in a stormy crossing. What I present is a fresh look at healing tools to apply. Not all these modalities will work for you, but they are worth examining.

In deepest respect I need to honor my very wise and gifted spiritual teacher and mentor, Dr. Meredith Young-Sowers, who trained me to become an Intuitive Healer and teacher. The metaphysical model I work with in this book is spring-boarded from her thirty-five years of knowledge and experience. The Stillpoint School of Integrative Life Healing and her model focus on the Seven Energy Chakras and correlating bodily systems and emotional couplings we all house. My own healing work with individuals and groups grew from her model. We will look at autoimmune illnesses, Lyme disease, and how to promote healing. These skills I share worked for me and many others.

My professional healing work with Lyme disease and autoimmune illnesses after thirty years in practice as a Classical Homeopath brings another lens into these conditions. In totality you will discover a multi-dimensional approach to recovery, one that incorporates natural medicine, orthodox pragmatics, and metaphysics. Most specifically we will chart a course together through the pivotal domain of personal transformation. For true healing happens on the inside.


Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

New Hampshire


Mending: Autoimmune Illnesses & Lyme Disease


Please note that I am trained and certified as a Classical Homeopath (CCH) and Spiritual Healer (CIH). Even though I have worked with individuals in assorted forms of distress and illness, I am not permitted to make a medical diagnosis, perform a physical exam, or administer pharmaceuticals.

My orientation and work has always been to help support and reinforce the person and his or her natural bodily function, and not treat the disease, through the use of homeopathics and spiritual energy healing.

Throughout the pages of this book I refer to particular disease states and syndromes, and additionally I recommend integrative medicine doctors as well as allopathic physicians and naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, clinical nutritionists, homeopaths, and other healers. My message is that many of these chronic illnesses require more than one specific system of approach in order to mend and achieve a more optimal level of health, and ultimately move into remission or even cure.

Please note however, that I do not attempt to treat or cure any of these conditions throughout these pages, but offer you suggestions and guidelines to seek out the properly trained and licensed professionals to work with you individually in your case.

My goal is to help initiate a stronger utilization of an integrated healthcare system in the USA and for people to realize they obtain much more inner healing power than they ever dreamed. The information provided here is for your self help and education.

The author and publisher do not attempt to offer cure for any particular disease.

Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

Helios Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing

This book is available at all bookstores nationwide, as well as Canada, and on-line at Amazon.com, AmazonUK.com Barnes & Nobles.com and in e-formats there.


I plan to bring you further excerpts from this book in the weeks ahead. I will be out teaching recovery workshops and giving presentations throughout 2016, so I will post that schedule soon, too.

Blessings to all,



Videos of Katina Makris, author, radio host, Lyme advocate Speaking

Often readers ask my why we don’t have video up of me speaking on YouTube of Facebook or Twitter?

I apologize– I am a techno dinosaur and rarely have an assistant on the road with me filming. Though some brilliant footage has come out of some of my events in the last 4 years- like the Washington DC MayDay Lyme Rally at the Whitehouse, of “Living Well with Lyme Disease” Omega workshop I co teach with Dr Horowitz and Dr Francescott, and most recently 2 hours on Nantucket Cable TV, I don’t get copies ! DARN IT!

Cecile Gough, in Guelph, Canada– please send me a link, BTW.

Here are 2 worthy videos and I promise to take more now in 2016.

This first one is from the VERY first Ticked Off Music Fest Deleware, as the keynote speaker (my fave job have to admit :)) and then below at Concord, NH Public Library, launching the 2nd edition of “Out of the Woods, Healing Lyme Disease, Bo”.

I hope you enjoy and share them.

Blessings, Katina


Lyme Disease Expert Comes to Canada, a Country Facing an Exploding Epidemic Situation

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH, award-winning author of two breakthrough books- the riveting Lyme recovery memoir, “Out of the Woods: Healing Lyme Disease Body, Mind, and Spirit” and her new bestselling release, “Autoimmune Illness and Lyme Recovery Guide: Mending the Body, Mind, and Spirit” is also a veteran natural healthcare practitioner of 30 years, host of world-wide acclaimed “Lyme Light Radio”, keynote speaker for the Ticked OFF Music Fest Lyme awareness series, herself a survivor of misdiagnosed advanced Lyme disease, and a passionate educator.

Katina teaches at the Omega Institute, leads recovery workshops worldwide, and is considered to be the leading spokesperson for Lyme disease in the United States.

Canada welcomes Katina November 5th-8th with four appearances in Toronto.

Thursday, 11/5; 5:00-7:30PM: Book Signing at The Big Carrot, 348 Danforth Ave

Friday, 11/6; 1:00-4:00PM: Book Signing at Indigo Bay and Bloor, 55 Bloor Street West

Saturday, 11/7; 1:00-3:00PM: Book Signing at Guelph Public Library, main branch, 100 Norfolk Street, Guelph

Sunday, 11/8; 10:00AM-4:00PM: Workshop with Katina, Saint Brigid’s Villa, Guelph (Please bring a bag lunch. For questions email guelphlyme@gmail.com)

The book signings are free. Her workshop takes place in a beautiful facility, for the discounted rate of $65. Katina will educate on Lyme disease signs and symptoms, the crossover to many autoimmune illnesses, proper diagnostics, treatment options, the emotional and spiritual support needed for recovery, and more, including experiential exercises she will lead.

Canada is delighted to bring support and information to a region in the thick of the Lyme disease crisis, with scant physician education on treatment or diagnosis. Thousands are potentially infected.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn more and gain some tools for inspiration and recovery.


Thank you Cecile Gough of Ontario Lyme for coordinating these great venues, Jeanne Pacey of Hamilton Lyme for hosting Katina. Dynamic weekend for us all!


Could Your Autoimmune Illness Be Caused by Lyme Disease?

I am honored to interview an intrepid Lyme disease advocate and survivor, Bethany Wing, this week on Lyme Light Radio. Join us Wednesday July 8, 1pm pt/ 4pm et at LymeLightRadio.com and WBLQ.net. Bethany gives light to the insidious nature of misdiagnosed Lyme disease and how it can corrupt one’s life for decades! Too many people sadly will resonate with Bethany’s story and also be inspired by her motivation to overcome horrific odds and still thrive in life.

My new book, “Autoimmune Illness and Lyme disease Recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit”, to be released on August 11, 2015, highlights Bethany’s story as her case is a ‘classic’ cross-over misdiagnosis of autoimmune illness with the bacterial infection of Lyme disease. 50 million Americans are diagnosed with autoimmune illness- we wonder what percentage could be caused by tick borne diseases?

Do NOT miss this special interview with a special woman!!

07f28f8Bethany Wing’s career started in the Financial Industry where she had become a Financial Advisor for Fidelity Investments. Later she had moved on to Bank Boston and Fleet. She eventually left banking and worked for a Venture Capitalist, learning startups and watching some go public and some tank. One amazing adventure was working with WorldCare Inc. and its amazing twists and turns of Wellness, helping other people have access to our Best HealthCare hospitals in the United States. Another avenue that WorldCare was venturing onto was a multi billion dollar wellness Center in Dubai which has been put on hold for some years now.While in the Financial Industry she decided to follow her artistic desire to learn all about the beauty Industry. From Makeup to Hair to all Spa essentials she grew to one day open her own Salon. This is where she currently resides and enjoys running a small business, helping others feel and look better. She enjoys teaching employees all that she knows and still furthering her education every year at main events and classes worldwide.

Coincidentally, she struggled with her health as long as she can remember. Her fasination with people looking good actually always came from the inside, and she expressed it with her art. Her struggle with health brought her to her knees and has brought her an awareness that she could never have without going though all that she has.

She has found a way to bring her health and her outer appearance into One. And this is where she resides with her Non-Profit Tick Tock to bring Doctors awareness and teaching, so that so many will not suffer as she did, and so many still are.

Food and genes: How genetic testing can fine-tune a healthy diet and guide nutritional supplement selection

I am so excited to welcome Kelly Heim from Pure Encapsulations to Lyme Light Radio. Pure’s products are top grade and fundamental helpmates in recovery from Lyme disease and many chronic illnesses. We are excited to learn more about the philosophy from Pure Encapsulations and the great good work they can do for so many of us in a world now that is filled with toxins and bodies that are sadly suffering with depletions.

KHeimPhotoKelly C. Heim is a Nutritional Pharmacologist in Research and Development. He is a graduate of Dartmouth Medical School, where he studied molecular pharmacology, epigenetics and functional genomics. His publications and lectures have highlighted evolving concepts in polyphenol biochemistry, nutritional endocrinology and nutrigenomics.