Could Your Autoimmune Illness Be Caused by Lyme Disease?

I am honored to interview an intrepid Lyme disease advocate and survivor, Bethany Wing, this week on Lyme Light Radio. Join us Wednesday July 8, 1pm pt/ 4pm et at and Bethany gives light to the insidious nature of misdiagnosed Lyme disease and how it can corrupt one’s life for decades! Too many people sadly will resonate with Bethany’s story and also be inspired by her motivation to overcome horrific odds and still thrive in life.

My new book, “Autoimmune Illness and Lyme disease Recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit”, to be released on August 11, 2015, highlights Bethany’s story as her case is a ‘classic’ cross-over misdiagnosis of autoimmune illness with the bacterial infection of Lyme disease. 50 million Americans are diagnosed with autoimmune illness- we wonder what percentage could be caused by tick borne diseases?

Do NOT miss this special interview with a special woman!!

07f28f8Bethany Wing’s career started in the Financial Industry where she had become a Financial Advisor for Fidelity Investments. Later she had moved on to Bank Boston and Fleet. She eventually left banking and worked for a Venture Capitalist, learning startups and watching some go public and some tank. One amazing adventure was working with WorldCare Inc. and its amazing twists and turns of Wellness, helping other people have access to our Best HealthCare hospitals in the United States. Another avenue that WorldCare was venturing onto was a multi billion dollar wellness Center in Dubai which has been put on hold for some years now.While in the Financial Industry she decided to follow her artistic desire to learn all about the beauty Industry. From Makeup to Hair to all Spa essentials she grew to one day open her own Salon. This is where she currently resides and enjoys running a small business, helping others feel and look better. She enjoys teaching employees all that she knows and still furthering her education every year at main events and classes worldwide.

Coincidentally, she struggled with her health as long as she can remember. Her fasination with people looking good actually always came from the inside, and she expressed it with her art. Her struggle with health brought her to her knees and has brought her an awareness that she could never have without going though all that she has.

She has found a way to bring her health and her outer appearance into One. And this is where she resides with her Non-Profit Tick Tock to bring Doctors awareness and teaching, so that so many will not suffer as she did, and so many still are.

Dr Wayne Anderson on Mycoplasmas and Lyme Cases That Do Not Resolve

Lyme disease is wreaking havoc world-wide. I got a touching email from Belgium Lyme Support telling me how much they value Lyme Light Radio with Katina each week, savoring the news our brilliant guests share. They gather together to listen to the show and discuss. This truly touched my heart~~ to discover this wonderful radio show is reaching around the globe and bringing such resource to so many in need!! The crazy hours I keep, the generosity of our talented guests to lend the time, knowledge and passion to us all for free. WOW! The synergy is amazing and so very worth it, to think we are creating dialogue and affecting CHANGE~ as my opening music conveys.

This week we welcome back a very Lyme seasoned practitioner. Dr. Wayne Anderson is a renowned naturopath at Gordon Medical Association with three decades of experience in treating tick-borne diseases. He will explain to us how mycoplasmas are the culprit in many Lyme cases that do not fully recover. Many ‘Lyme’ cases stall and do not fully recover. Dr Anderson’s experience pinpoints one of the ‘co-infections’ ticks also infect us with, mycoplasmas!! Get ready to learn a TON!!

Call in questions can be directed to 800 930 2819 during the show. Join us this Wednesday at

wayne_andersonWith a background in education, Dr. Wayne Anderson understands the role of teaching in medical care. Working with grade school students he saw that diet and environment impacted student’s mood and behavior. This sent him back to school for training as a Naturopathic doctor. A growing focus on natural healing approaches in clinical practice in Oregon caused him to broaden his assessment and treatment skills and he earned the designation of Physician Assistant.
For two decades, Dr. Anderson practiced in a busy community-based family medical center, treating individuals and families from birth to old age. His emphasis on patients experiencing chronic illness grew. As he became aware of the prevalence of chronic Lyme disease and related conditions he realized the important part they play in chronic illness.
In 2002, Dr. Anderson left family practice to work with Eric Gordon MD. Now he has a practice with a concentration on chronic illness, using tools and experience from both conventional and integrative medicine. At GMA, with a growing focus on Lyme disease, he has developed a deeper understanding of chronic illness, its treatment, and the frontiers still available as possible solutions.
A curious and dedicated clinician, Dr. Anderson is committed to the ongoing process of learning and teaching. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Anderson maintained his initial focus on teaching. For over 20 years he taught medical students at Touro Osteopathic Medical School, and supervised residents from Sutter Hospital and interns from the Physician Assistant programs in the clinic setting. He is also a popular speaker on the topics of Lyme disease and neurotoxin illness.
For more than 25 years, Dr. Anderson has known that his patients are partners in the process of learning about and treating their illness, whether they choose conventional or alternative medicine or a combination of both. He listens to understand each patient’s strengths and challenges and improve his effective interaction with them. He sees every person as complex, integrated, and unique, and believes that treatment should optimize health and well-being.

Join us on Wednesday, June 11, at 1PM PT/4PM ET and don’t forget to call in at 800 930 281 if you have any questions for Dr Anderson! You can listen to the episode right now on iTunes or at

Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

Dr. Wayne Anderson Discusses Genome Flaws and Links to Chronic Lyme Disease

Some people get infected with the Lyme disease bacteria (borrelia burgdorferi), take the prescribed antibiotics and pull out of the flu like pains and malaise readily. Certain folks get infected and their ultra capable immune function and genetic ancestry enables them to fend off the infection all together. Life goes on smoothly.

Then, there are the estimated 4,000,000 plus people in the USA, and millions more worldwide, whom are struggling with devastating chronic forms of illness created by Lyme disease. Their lives are compromised, fortunes are spent on treatments, many are misdiagnosed with auto-immune illnesses and Lyme or co-infections are the true culprits.

Why do some of us get destroyed by the bacterial infection and others not? Susceptibility is a factor in all illnesses – from a tendency to strep throat, pneumonia, MS or advanced neurological Lyme disease.

Dr. Wayne Anderson of the prominent Gordon Medical Associates team joins me on Wednesday, February 19 1pm PT/4pm ET on Lyme Light Radio. We will explore the fascinating studies of Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and the ‘genome flaws’ or genetic predisposition some of us were born with that set us up for Lyme disease to create maiming afflictions and ‘trigger’ other disorders.

This is a show you do NOT want to miss! When I heard Dr. Anderson present this information at ILADS Boston 2012, a major ah-ha moment clicked for me! This is ground breaking work and the reason why I was able to heal 100% from advanced neurological Lyme disease, by addressing these issues. It works!

ImageWith a background in education, Dr. Wayne Anderson understands the role of teaching in medical care. Working with grade school students he saw that diet and environment impacted student’s mood and behavior. This sent him back to school for training as a Naturopathic doctor. A growing focus on natural healing approaches in clinical practice in Oregon caused him to broaden his assessment and treatment skills and he earned the designation of Physician Assistant.

For two decades, Dr. Anderson practiced in a busy community-based family medical center, treating individuals and families from birth to old age. His emphasis on patients experiencing chronic illness grew. As he became aware of the prevalence of chronic Lyme disease and related conditions he realized the important part they play in chronic illness.

In 2002, Dr. Anderson left family practice to work with Eric Gordon MD. Now he has a practice with a concentration on chronic illness, using tools and experience from both conventional and integrative medicine. At GMA, with a growing focus on Lyme disease, he has developed a deeper understanding of chronic illness, its treatment, and the frontiers still available as possible solutions.

A curious and dedicated clinician, Dr. Anderson is committed to the ongoing process of learning and teaching. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Anderson maintained his initial focus on teaching. For over 20 years he taught medical students at Touro Osteopathic Medical School, and supervised residents from Sutter Hospital and interns from the Physician Assistant programs in the clinic setting.  He is also a popular speaker on the topics of Lyme disease and neurotoxin illness.

For more than 25 years, Dr. Anderson has known that his patients are partners in the process of learning about and treating their illness, whether they choose conventional or alternative medicine or a combination of both. He listens to understand each patient’s strengths and challenges and improve his effective interaction with them. He sees every person as complex, integrated, and unique, and believes that treatment should optimize health and well-being.

An avid film historian and true music enthusiast, Wayne spends his spare time watching movies, old and new, and listening to a wide selection of music.

Thank you Dr. Anderson – your work with tick borne diseases and ability to educate are brilliant.

Katina I. Makris, CIH, CCH

Lyme Light Radio Interviews Dr Mike Arata, Ground Breaking Vascular Technique for Lyme, MS, CFS

Happy New Years!

I am delighted to interview a cutting edge physician from California whom is pioneering a stunningly helpful physical procedure that addresses the fatigue, brain fog, memory issues, headaches associated with Lyme and many auto-immune illnesses. Dr Mike Arata is also very caring and committed to healing. Please join us on air this wednesday, 4pm est, 1pm pst. or,to learn more.

Dr. Arata is a practitioner of Functional Medicine specializing in chronic diseases associated with autonomic dysfunction. A graduate of UCSF School of Medicine, Dr. Arata completed his four year residency at Duke University Medical Center. He completed an Interventional Radiology fellowship at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Arata is Board Certified with a certificate of added qualification in Interventional Radiology. Dr. Arata is also certified by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine.
The majority of chronic diseases have no definitive treatment, let alone an identified cause. Common threads among diverse conditions such as Lyme, MS, fibromyalgia are evident. Autonomic dysfunction is one such commonality amongst a diverse set of chronic conditions.
Autonomic dysfunction is abnormal function of a feedback mechanism responsible for many of the body’s responses to the environment.
Learn more about how Lyme and assorted other illnesses can be helped on our show this week. Wednesday, January 8, 1pm pst/ 4pm est.,, and live on talk radio WBLQ 1230 AM in Southern New England.
This is a wonderful interview to ring in the New Year. Help welcome Dr Arata onto Lyme Light Radio with me. Tune in. Call in questions are welcomed at 800 930 2918.
Thank you
Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

Tick Borne Disease Alliance Featured on Lyme Light Radio

We are delighted to interview one of the world’s most prominent tick borne disease foundations on Lyme Light Radio. David Roth and Staci Grodin merged the former ‘Turn the Corner’ foundation in 2012, bringing massive energy, fundraising work, Lyme disease awareness and support campaigns to America’s fastest spreading infectious illness. The nation is a better place for the work of TBDA.

Since September 2013 we have shared weekly interviews with John Donnally and TBDA’s ‘Bite Back For A Cure’ trek across the continent on behalf of Lyme disease awareness. These 3 months have been eye-opening for myself and our listeners as John has so fluidly educated us on the massive swath of  of the tick borne crisis from state to state, as well as illuminating incredible stories, doctors and support groups he interacted with.

December 18th we wrap up John’s trek and his gleanings as well as visit with Staci Grodin, a talented, passionate woman and TBDA’s president.

Please join us at 4pm ET/1pm PT at,, and live on talk radio 1230 AM in Southern New England.

Call in 800-930-2918 with questions and comments and we have a book give-away!! The first 3 callers will receive copies of the award winning Lyme recovery memoir and treatment guide, “Out of the Woods”.

Now in the heart of gift giving season, I am grateful to share the gift of Lyme Light Radio with you all. Thank you to our sponsors – Advanced Cell Training, Bite Back For A Cure, BioResources, the crew at WBLQ and the enlightened Dr. Pat Baccilli, owner of the network and the Dr. Pat Show syndicate for helping us produce this timely, educational, weekly show. What a gift to share Lyme disease information weekly!

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH

Laura and Gail Piazza, “Recipes for Repair” Authors on Lyme Light Radio 12/11

Inflammation is a significant contributor to Lyme disease pain, as well as to many other auto-immune illnesses Such as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, MS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, other conditions like migraines, neuropathy, IBS, and Crohn’s Disease. All contain inflammation pathway elements.

A number of factors contribute to these run-away inflammation responses, trickling in a non-stop broken record fashion, the adrenal glands playing a significant role.

One very viable means to get some control over inflammation and pain is via the foods we ingest. Certain foods induce inflammatory responses in the body, we well as over acidifying our ph value.

Dr. Kenneth Singleton, doctor and author of “The Lyme Disease Solution” highlights how ‘inflammatory inducing’  foods are negative influences when trying to overcome Lyme disease/tick borne infections/auto-immune illness.

In collaboration with this remarkable doctor’s work, Laura and Gail Piazza (daughter and mother) co-wrote the award winning book, “Recipes for Repair“, helping give day by day, meal to meal guidance for Lyme disease afflicted folks. This diet works!

I personally have given over a dozen public talks with Laura Piazza throughout New England. Her commitment to Lyme disease suffering is authentic and passionate. With a Lyme story of their own, “Recipes for Repair” was born of love and steeped in great healing resource.


Join us on 4pm ET/1pm PT, Wednesday, December 11th We are broadcast on WBLQ 1230AM in southern New England and stream live also on and

I promise you, learning how to manage pain with food is a very viable and resourceful tool. “Recipes for Repair” is a valuable ally. Tune in!!

Our first 5 callers to phone in during the show will receive autographed copies of “Recipes for Repair” and “Out of the Woods“. Great Christmas gifts! 800 930 2158.

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH


Dr. Kerry Clark to be on Lyme Light Radio 11/21

Lyme Light Radio with Katina welcomes Dr. Kerry Clark, who will be with us this Wednesday, 11/21, 4:00pm ET/1:00pm PT. With 20 years of tick research in the south, Dr. Clark shares stunning revelations that Lyme disease is more rampant in the southern United States than the north! Wake up America, ISDA, CDC and everyone! Join us to learn more about his fascinating and important work!

Dr. Kerry Clark

Dr. Kerry Clark is the Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Environmental Health. Dr. Clark came to the University of North Florida with a Masters in Public Health Epidemiology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of South Carolina, where he conducted the first ecologic study of the Lyme disease bacteria in that state. He has been studying Lyme and other tick-borne diseases for the past 20 years. In addition to his research, he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in epidemiology and environmental health in the Department of Public Health at UNF.

Dr. Clark is committed to studying the ecology and epidemiology of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases in the southern U.S. He was the first to report finding Lyme disease spirochetes in animals and ticks in South Carolina, and in wild reptiles in South Carolina and Florida. He has documented the presence of Lyme disease bacteria, Babesia, and other tick-borne pathogens in wild animals, ticks, and humans in Florida and other southern states. Recently, he discovered two previously unrecognized Lyme Borrelia species in human patients in Florida, Georgia, and other states across the U.S.

Lyme Light Radio can be listened to live on WBLQ 1230AM in Southern New England or streamed online at and We are also archived on The Dr. Pat Show website and can be found in podcast form for FREE on itunes!

REMINDER! 5th caller will receive an autographed copy of “Out of the Woods,Healing Lyme Disease, Body, Mind & Spirit”. 800 930 2158