Tick Action: An Online Introduction: Getting Serious About Lyme | Rowe.Center

Tick Action: An Online Introduction: Getting Serious About Lyme | Rowe.Center
— Read on rowe.center/tick-action-an-online-introduction-getting-serious-about-lyme-disease/

Please join me on Wednesday September 22, 2021 for a free Lyme disease virtual class.

This will be a 2 hour format. I will present the first 90 minutes and then we will have 30 minutes of Q & A.

The following 6 weeks will be a Lyme disease recovery series from 7-9 pm et via the Rowe Institute virtual learning program.

I will cover many topics including acute care information, diagnostic testing, chronic case recovery tools with holistic & integrated medicine, as well as dealing with the emotional and spiritual sides of suffering.

As a chronic lyme survivor myself and homeopath of over 35 years, & 20 years working with Lyme disease cases, there will be much valuable material and insights into full life healing.

Please register at the link here and also share with your friends!

Thank you,


Living Well With Lyme Disease Healing Workshop

Lyme disease is the fastest spreading infectious illness of the modern day, exploding to the rate of over 300,000 cases annually in the USA alone, with an estimated another 500,000 not being recognized by the average physician or lab and being misinterpreted as an autoimmune illness. HIV at its peak in the early 1980s showed 104,000 new cases annually. This epidemic is spreading faster with ticks as the primary carrier and all demographics and ages groups potentially vulnerable. We are in the midst of a public health care crisis with scant support for the afflicted or those in question.

Dr Richard Horowitz, MD, Dr Tom Francescott, ND and myself, Katina Makris, CCH, CIH offer an all inclusive weekend for Lyme disease resource and recovery at beautiful Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Please join us June 17-19, 2016.

We address the medical aspects, detoxification protocols, homeopathic support and emotional and spiritual sides of this often chronic illness in a nurturing and wholesome environment. No one leaves without gaining tools and insights for their mending as well as information for loved ones.

please read more at this link:

OmegaHealthandHealing2016_Press Release_ForImmediateRelease

May all of us find the inner tools and belief in a healthier tomorrow. Healing happens on the inside and it is my privilege to be a guide in your journey.

With Blessings




Overcome Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease: a survivor and practitioner’s advice

With my newest book available in paperback, kindle and nook, I wanted to give you a glimpse into why I felt it was so critical to give the public my knowledge on how to recover from Autoimmune Illnesses and Lyme disease, now crippling to USA to the tune of 50 million people and around the globe at 250 million. Mending is feasible, and dependency on pharmaceuticals need not be for a lifetime. I beat the odds to mend 100% and I believe many others can too, when they reclaim their personal power.

Here is the INTRODUCTION from  –“Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit” for you to delve into. This is a VERY worthy book of self help tools and extra healthcare resources. 

“Chronic health care problems have begun to surface at an alarming rate in recent decades. The spectrum of autoimmune illnesses has been in my lens since I first fell seriously ill in the summer of 2000, with what was initially deemed to be a sinus infection, then probable walking pneumonia, and finally labeled as chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic migraine headaches. Five years later, totally bedridden, broken, and newly divorced, I learned that actually I was maimed and struggling with several “hidden” autoimmune cover finalinfections. The primary misdiagnosed culprit was borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. I also hosted Epstein-Barr virus at frighteningly high levels, a parasite called babesia, and a whopping overgrowth of fungi. My lovely home in the New Hampshire countryside was mold infested and my immune system was spinning out of control with raging inflammation and multiple allergies, plus all sorts of depletions. With a shiny bright eight-year-old son under my wing, could I ever live to see him grown or be well enough to go to his Little League games?

After endless visits to specialists and renowned hospitals in New England with scant success of recovery, good fortune finally appeared in the able hands of a sterling clinical nutritionist colleague of mine who knew how to handle these runaway infectious “bugs” and, more importantly, how to restore the malfunctions of my failing body. We worked on detoxifying me from all sorts of externally and internally created toxins, rebuilding my fatigued adrenal glands and thyroid, helping my mitochondria create fuel again and balancing out all sorts of neurotransmitters and blood sugar swings. It took me five years of devoted adherence to lifestyle, dietary, and emotional changes, and it worked! I mended 100 percent.

Even as a holistic healthcare practitioner myself, I had to examine my life and what made me fall so ill and vulnerable to these microbes, and to allow myself the time and process to embrace transformation at all planes—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. As a homeopath, I thought I was versed in helping others heal. This experience asked me to learn even more.

The great good of this journey is that I have spent the last fifteen years learning about the crossover currents of the exploding public health care crisis of Lyme disease (and other tick borne diseases) and the relationship to autoimmune diseases. Though there is obvious linkage between them all, science has not yet pieced together the entire jigsaw puzzle. Some brilliant researchers and very talented and courageous practitioners are forging the way. My instincts tell me that when all the “dots” are finally connected, we will fully understand how these assorted microbes can trigger and mimic Lupus and MS and Alzheimer’s and more. Right now though, what I can offer is the invaluable lessons of my own journey, which translates beyond the personal to the multiple millions who walk in the same shoes I did.

Chronic disease in the autoimmune and Lyme disease spectrum presents an individual with multiple challenges. Facing the realization that you are seeking talent and sources outside yourself to find wellness again is daunting and at times extremely frustrating. The endless days of pain, fatigue, solitude, dependency, and confusion seem endless. Many of us experience loss and despair. And yet, we also want to feel hope—hope for bright, happy times and relief from our suffering. Also, hope that someone will know how to cure us!

In these pages I share my understanding of what mending involves. When we fall ill to chronic disease we fracture in a certain way. Things are never quite the same. There is a sense of displacement or that you just do not feel quite right and that you want to correct it all. What I suggest is that something rather grand is being asked of you in this time of disorder. You are being asked to reflect upon you life status—your behaviors and choices and your habits. And then, you are being asked to make some changes in order to mend.

This book provides a toolbox of assorted options to consider. We explore a great deal of what encompasses health and healing and why we get sick. Also, we look at the role of various key factors that create the terrain for autoimmune illness and Lyme disease to blossom. Why do some of us fall ill to these conditions but not others? And, most importantly, how can I mend from the disease and reclaim my well-being and vitality?

The great arc presiding over the entire journey for me, however, has been the enormous breadth and depth of spirituality’s presence. Serious states, like these diseases present, ultimately bring us into concert with energy beyond the simple self. We are entering the domain of personal transformation and what in modern times is akin to a quest—a quest for higher knowledge, for inner strength, and for assistance in the darkest of times. This journey asks for faith and guidance and an unfurling of the powerful connection we innately bear between our mind and our body and our spirit. For we are marvelous and miraculous beings. We just need to learn how to stitch it all together.

I wrote this book for the all too many who feel at odds with themselves while ill or are perhaps are a caregiver of someone in need. We bear enormous internal gifts. However, many of us have not been taught how to “turn on” the healing codes, or we have forgotten. Mending helps us find our inner compass, to recalibrate during a time of lost navigation and to set our sites on a positive outcome. Like any worthy voyage, not every day is a smooth passage. But you can still reach your destination! Optimal health can be attainable even in a stormy crossing. What I present is a fresh look at healing tools to apply. Not all these modalities will work for you, but they are worth examining.

In deepest respect I need to honor my very wise and gifted spiritual teacher and mentor, Dr. Meredith Young-Sowers, who trained me to become an Intuitive Healer and teacher. The metaphysical model I work with in this book is spring-boarded from her thirty-five years of knowledge and experience. The Stillpoint School of Integrative Life Healing and her model focus on the Seven Energy Chakras and correlating bodily systems and emotional couplings we all house. My own healing work with individuals and groups grew from her model. We will look at autoimmune illnesses, Lyme disease, and how to promote healing. These skills I share worked for me and many others.

My professional healing work with Lyme disease and autoimmune illnesses after thirty years in practice as a Classical Homeopath brings another lens into these conditions. In totality you will discover a multi-dimensional approach to recovery, one that incorporates natural medicine, orthodox pragmatics, and metaphysics. Most specifically we will chart a course together through the pivotal domain of personal transformation. For true healing happens on the inside.


Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

New Hampshire


Mending: Autoimmune Illnesses & Lyme Disease


Please note that I am trained and certified as a Classical Homeopath (CCH) and Spiritual Healer (CIH). Even though I have worked with individuals in assorted forms of distress and illness, I am not permitted to make a medical diagnosis, perform a physical exam, or administer pharmaceuticals.

My orientation and work has always been to help support and reinforce the person and his or her natural bodily function, and not treat the disease, through the use of homeopathics and spiritual energy healing.

Throughout the pages of this book I refer to particular disease states and syndromes, and additionally I recommend integrative medicine doctors as well as allopathic physicians and naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, clinical nutritionists, homeopaths, and other healers. My message is that many of these chronic illnesses require more than one specific system of approach in order to mend and achieve a more optimal level of health, and ultimately move into remission or even cure.

Please note however, that I do not attempt to treat or cure any of these conditions throughout these pages, but offer you suggestions and guidelines to seek out the properly trained and licensed professionals to work with you individually in your case.

My goal is to help initiate a stronger utilization of an integrated healthcare system in the USA and for people to realize they obtain much more inner healing power than they ever dreamed. The information provided here is for your self help and education.

The author and publisher do not attempt to offer cure for any particular disease.

Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

Helios Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing

This book is available at all bookstores nationwide, as well as Canada, and on-line at Amazon.com, AmazonUK.com Barnes & Nobles.com and in e-formats there.


I plan to bring you further excerpts from this book in the weeks ahead. I will be out teaching recovery workshops and giving presentations throughout 2016, so I will post that schedule soon, too.

Blessings to all,



Founder of the Ticked Off Music Fest Series Shares his Lyme Recovery Story

I have included 4 profound cases of misdiagnosed Lyme disease in my new book, “Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending the Body, Mind & Spirit” published by Helios Press with a German translation due, too. These are all real people, whom lived ‘normal’ lives in normal American towns when they became oddly ill, each in prime age and then sadly succumbed to years and decades of medical mismanagement. With so little medical research and even basic physician clinical information properly understood about this aggressive, invasive bacterial infection, serious long term damages to organs and joints can result. Early infections are erradicated with swift steady 6 weeks of antibiotic treatment, yet so many cases slip under the radar and ‘chronic’ longer duration conditions defy traditional medical routine pill and procedure care.

All the cases that recover– and these are brave, determined souls you will meet in my pages- went outside mainstream allopathic medicine to reclaim their lives. They are examples of thrivers: those that beat the odds because they BELIEVE IN THEIR POTENTIAL and do not give up. I include them as testimonies to great willpower, listening to their inner healer (intuition) and as examples to you all that even when at death’s door, healing can happen. It is often the surrender to your old mindset and holding patterns that launches the opening of energy flow and personal healing shifts.

In honor of one of my favorite Lyme disease philanthropic gatherings, fundraising for patient financial aid and harmonizing communities to education and awareness, I share the stunning and ‘out of the box’ truly restorative success of Ticked Off Music Fest genius, Gregg Kirk’s recovery story. With 5 Fests under our belt and more on the slate into 2017, this venue is the ‘feel good’ place to be, if you are ill or concerned, or just love great music and day long dancing and community building.

TOMF is in Hawaii, Jan 23 at the Blaisdale Center on Waikiki Beach ; including dynamite talent and speakers ( I had to cancel as keynote with cracked ribs and a bad injury) includes Gregg Kirk and the Zen Engines, Melissa Cox, “Survivorman” and crowd favorite Les Stroud, and our killer headliner Mike Love. Visit http://www.TickedOffMusicFest.org for more details and tickets!

Meanwhile please read Gregg’s profound recovery path and how he created these Fests!! 12189324_691609150938847_3290701499412312091_o

Thank you courageous, wise and visionary Gregg– beating lyme  is a long journey!! RESTORE; DETOX, REKNEW!!! BLESS YOU and your brilliant spirt and incredibly generous heart.


Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH


Healing From Chronic Disease on the Spiritual Level: A Healing Journey

In November of 1999, my wife and I moved from the Philadelphia area to southwestern Connecticut to start a new life and raise a family. Within three years of moving into our new house, I began noticing some strange symptoms that were not “classic” to Lyme disease or any other illness that I knew of. At the time I was in very good physical condition and I had been going to the gym three times a week working on bodybuilding. However, I was feeling fatigued and foggy every time I ate a meal.

After two more years of bouncing from doctor to doctor, I still had no answers. On two separate occasions, I had MDs tell me, “Your symptoms aren’t life threatening, so maybe you should learn to live with them.” I was shocked at their lack of curiosity, and since I was paying them for a service that I wasn’t satisfied with, I “fired” them. In the meantime, I was feeling worse and getting worried.

Finally in 2005, I visited a holistic doctor who asked me to chronicle my symptoms in a journal for one week. The day I visited her, she read my journal and immediately said, “You have Lyme disease. I can test you to be sure, but I can start you on a round of antibiotics right away.”

I was relieved that the mystery illness now had an identity, and I was hellbent on disinfecting my body and getting rid of it as soon as possible. I began taking oral doxycycline and immediately began to feel worse.

I visited my holistic doctor a week later and she asked me how I felt. “Terrible!” I said. “Good!” she responded. “It means the antibiotics are working. They’re breaking down the cell walls of the bacteria and releasing toxins in your bloodstream. That’s why you feel so bad.”

The funny thing is, she never gave me much advice on how to rid myself of these toxins, so I continued to feel worse. It would be years until I would learn how to diminish and avoid the Jarrish Herxheimer reaction or “herx” as all the “Lymies” were calling it online.

I also learned about something called a PICC line during my daily quest for research online, and I asked my doctor about that. To me, this seemed like the “nuclear option,” which involved a port installed in your arm so you could administer your own daily dose of antibiotics, directly into your bloodstream. This appealed to my idea of disinfecting my body.

But my doctor thought the PICC-line route was too harsh and risky and would not agree to sign off on it. So I found another doctor who would, and within weeks I had an appointment scheduled at a local hospital for the procedure. I have to admit, I was not prepared for what the PICC line was all about. I thought it was a simple prick of the arm and easy insertion of the port, but it was a full-on surgical procedure. I was laid on an operating table with an X-ray machine above my chest and three attendants helping the doctor. During the procedure, the doctor ran a wire lead to route the line close to my Aorta and he went too far and jabbed my heart. My blood pressure began to drop and I began to feel like I would pass out while lying on the table. Everyone got worried, but I managed to pull through and they wheeled me on a gurney into the hallway, fed me some lunch and kept me for observation for a few hours.

I ended up driving myself home from the hospital and I felt OK until I went to sleep that night. While in deep sleep, I rolled over on my left side and apparently the PICC line jabbed my heart further because wild palpitations and pain woke me from my sleep. I didn’t know what to do, so I went downstairs and laid on the couch to see if I would die or make it through the night.

When the first rays of sunlight broke through my living room curtains, I called the emergency line at the hospital and talked to the doctor on call. His advice surprised me. “You’ve been through the worst of it,” he said. “Do you think you can tough it out and keep it in for a few weeks and try the antibiotics?”

I was so intent on ridding myself of the disease that I took the doctor’s advice and tried to tough it out. As I administered my own antibiotics each day, I began to spiral downward. I developed a severe intestinal infection, strong headaches, and paralyzing depression. I felt like a walking zombie and began to feel detached from the world.

When the PICC line was finally removed, I felt slightly better for about three months but then backslid into worse symptoms and actually had a second PICC line inserted, this time with no anesthesia and no X-ray. The procedure felt like someone jabbing a ball point pen in my bicep for 45 minutes.

Unfortunately, this PICC experience was no different than the first with the added aggravation of having this second line broken during a routine weekly cleaning by a visiting nurse. I had to have the line reinstalled again, making it three surgical procedures in one year. I had never been to a doctor for anything more than a plantars wart removal prior to this and I was losing hope after the symptoms returned three months later.

I began seeing a new Lyme-literate doctor in NYC who did further testing and found I had several co-infections; other bacteria besides the borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme bacteria). He prescribed multiple antibiotics simultaneously. I felt slightly better than I had with the PICC line but I was far from feeling “disinfected.”

I’m a musician, and one night during a performance I almost passed out on stage for no apparent reason, and I instinctively felt the need to get off of all antibiotics. I discovered another doctor in Manhattan who prescribed a combination of herbs instead of synthetic meds. After starting his protocol, I experienced stronger herx reactions than I had with the PICC line and he recommended I scale back my dosage until I felt better.

I remained on this protocol for a few years but felt my quality of life was only a fraction of where I wanted it to be. I continued to do research online and during my travels I stumbled upon a video episode of Oprah Winfrey’s, featuring a healer from Brazil named John of God.

Something about this episode appealed to me. The fact that thousands of people traveled to meet this man who healed them through energy, love, and faith, and trained doctors who had been sent to debunk him couldn’t. In fact, many of them had spiritual experiences that showed on their faces. I was intrigued enough to book the 10-hour plane flight and take the pilgrimage.

On the day I arrived, two counselors sat down with me to find out why I had made the journey and to translate my healing intention to John of God, who only speaks Portuguese. When I told them I was there to be healed from Lyme disease, they looked up from their notes and said, “and what else?”

I laughed, “Do I get three wishes?” to which one of them asked, “Why stop at three?” I could see they were serious, so I told them I’m a musician and I would like to heal people with the music I write and perform.

The next day, I went with a group of people to see John of God to be “diagnosed.” Several hundred of us gathered in an open-air room called “The Casa” where João Teixeira de Faria (John of God as he is called by the local Brazilians) took to a small stage and began speaking in Portuguese. Later, I was told that he had said that he wasn’t the one doing the healing but that God did all of it. Soon after his speech, he dropped the microphone and a shudder ran through his body. His appearance began to change instantly, and his body seemed to swell and his eye color changed. He stumbled for a second and then attendants brought surgical instruments to him and he turned to a woman who was standing as if in a trance onstage. I was standing a mere six feet away and I grabbed my camera phone and started filming him cutting into her abdomen while she neither flinched nor bled. The energy in the room made me feel as if I would pass out and one of the attendants actually did so and dropped a container of rubbing alcohol.

The woman was wheeled away in a wheelchair, and several days later I saw her on the street and she lifted her shirt to show she barely had a scar from the whole experience.

Many of the people in my group later waited in line to go up in front of John of God who had retreated to a large meditation room in the back of the Casa. We all went before him silently, while a few hundred people meditated in nearby benches that reminded me of church pews. As we all touched his hand, he told us our next step, and mine was to have “spiritual surgery.” I was told to return in the afternoon and meet a few dozen others in a private meditation room where we were asked to meditate and keep our eyes closed. After sitting in silence for about 15 minutes, we could hear John of God enter the room and offer a blessing in a booming voice. I felt electrical sensations all over my body and several members of my group confessed they had felt shoved forward or to the side when there was no person there to physically do this.

When the session ended, we were met by our group leader who put each of us in a taxi to make the block and a half ride to our hotel. We were told to immediately go to bed even though it was in the early afternoon. I laid there with my eyes wide open and wondered how I would be able to sleep, and then I woke up 16 hours later, feeling as if I had been hit by a truck.

We each went through this experience again later in the week and one day, I looked in the mirror in my bathroom and burst into laughter. The face that stared back at me looked 10 years younger. I grabbed my phone to video chat with my wife and the first thing she said to me was, “What happened? You look different!”

I choked back tears and said, “I’m healed!” and I could feel that every symptom I had ever had simply vanished. All of this had occurred through the energy John of God had brought forth but it was held in place by my faith and positive thinking, as the counselors had instructed us. Some in my group had even more dramatic experiences but I noticed that the ones who didn’t were struggling with their own limiting thoughts and internal “demons.”

When I returned home, I also experienced a surge of songs and lyrics that seemed to come from nowhere. I’ve since recorded two CDs full of music that I never would have written had it not been for my experiences in Brazil. I have returned to the Casa five times since, more for my own spiritual evolution than for healing purposes, and I have begun devoting my life to helping others stricken with Lyme and tick-borne illnesses through the music I create and the Lyme disease benefit concert series I’ve created called the Ticked Off Music Fest: www.tickedoffmusicfest.com. The funds we generate from the concerts go to research and patient funds, and I’ve begun doing motivational speaking to help others struggle with chronic illnesses.

Gregg Kirk

The Zen Engines

founder of The Ticked Off Music Fest series

Videos of Katina Makris, author, radio host, Lyme advocate Speaking

Often readers ask my why we don’t have video up of me speaking on YouTube of Facebook or Twitter?

I apologize– I am a techno dinosaur and rarely have an assistant on the road with me filming. Though some brilliant footage has come out of some of my events in the last 4 years- like the Washington DC MayDay Lyme Rally at the Whitehouse, of “Living Well with Lyme Disease” Omega workshop I co teach with Dr Horowitz and Dr Francescott, and most recently 2 hours on Nantucket Cable TV, I don’t get copies ! DARN IT!

Cecile Gough, in Guelph, Canada– please send me a link, BTW.

Here are 2 worthy videos and I promise to take more now in 2016.

This first one is from the VERY first Ticked Off Music Fest Deleware, as the keynote speaker (my fave job have to admit :)) and then below at Concord, NH Public Library, launching the 2nd edition of “Out of the Woods, Healing Lyme Disease, Bo”.

I hope you enjoy and share them.

Blessings, Katina


Dr. Edie Resto on Value of Deep Detox Cleanse for Lyme Disease & Other Illnesses

When we are chronically ill, the body and mind are often mired with many converging complexities of hardships that have saddled our normal systems’ functions as well as key associated issues such as toxic overload, heavy metal accumulation, mold exposure damage and many depletions of essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, trace elements, orthostatic balance and internal homeostasis. The list weaves on and as most Integrative Medicine practitioners understand, pinpointing these factors as well as helping our body and mind recalibrate to what is our own natural vitality and balance is a fundamental if we want to be well.

Just taking a medication to reduce blood pressure, of inhibit joint swelling of RA or kill the microbes in a Lyme disease infection, is one key in the equation of restoring to a higher quality of health. I am delighted to interview on Lyme Light Radio, Wednesday June 10, 1pm pt/4pm et, the talented Dr Edie Resto, DC of Amara of Ojai Healing Center. Dr Edie is an expert in deep cleanse detoxification protocols, run at her facility and beautiful,healing locations around the world, to help reduce the burden the body and mind are mired in, as well as become aligned to the correct foods you should be eating when chronically ill.

Please join us at LymeLigthRadio.com, WBLQ.net, TransformationTalkRadio.com for some absolutely brilliant advice on how to reclaim your body from the ravages of tick borne infections and others chronic states.

We will also visit with Judy Gabriel of Amara of Ojai Healing Center to learn more about the restorative detox and supportive Lyme disease retreats Amara is holding in Brittany, France July 2015, Ojai, CA Feb 2016 and Helena, MT June 2016. These are unique, deeply nourishing and attuned to the essential emotional and spiritual sides of the Lyme illness as well as the physical.  

68654b4ecc9cebed7a277e3d38cfb087Dr. Edie Resto D.C. is a Chiropractor and Holistic educator dedicated to forming healing partnerships with her Patients. She is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College West, Bastyr University (The largest Naturopathic Medical School in the USA), and the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing, where she studied a variety of massage/ body work. Dr Edie integrates many different modalities for a powerful healing experience at her Amara of Ojai Healing Center in Ojai Valley, CA. She specializes in diagnostics for often misunderstood chronic diseases, with a forte in her renowned deep cleanse Detoxification Procedures. Lyme disease is a complex illness requiring much restorative work to the damages induced. Dr Edie treats Lyme cases from all over the world.

Join us for a fantastic interview with a cutting edge physician!!

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH


“Under Our Skin” With Filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson

This week on “Lyme Light Radio” I have the rare good fortune of interviewing an icon in the Lyme disease community, the producer and director of the ground breaking film “Under Our Skin” and the follow-up “Emergence”, Andy Abrahams Wilson !!  

Andy has broken down the barriers, stigma and controversy on America’s exploding public health care crisis and put faces and names and real life stories into our culture with his riveting work. If you have not seen these films, please do, and bring them to your community for screenings.

Join us LIVE this Wednesday May 13, 4pm et/ 1pm pt at LymeLightRadio.com or WBLQ.net and TransformationTalkRadio.come or 1230 AM in southern New England as Andy Abrahams Wilson and I delve into our mutual passion to end the suffering and confusion surrounding Lyme disease. This will be a remarkable interview, I can sense in advance 🙂


bio_andy4Andy Abrahams Wilson, Producer/Director/CinematographerFounder and president of Open Eye Pictures, is a multi-award winning, Emmy-nominated producer and director of creative non-fiction films. Andy received a BA in cultural anthropology from Northwestern University, and an MA in visual anthropology from the University of Southern California, where he also studied at the USC School of Cinema. Andy’s approach emphasizes the moving image as a way to bridge disparate parts, peoples and ideas.

While his work takes on controversial themes, he uses the filmmaking process as an opportunity to encourage empathy and identification, rather than separation and polarization. His production, UNDER OUR SKIN, is the recipient of six best documentary awards at international film festivals and was an Academy Award semifinalist. Andy’s films have been shown on HBO, PBS, CBC, the Showtime Networks, and in theaters and film festivals worldwide. A recipient of a Pew Charitable Trust Fellowship in Dance/Media, he has produced several award-winning films on dance or dancers, and is the two-time Grand Prize recipient at the Dance on Camera Film Festival.

Andy is a former budget director of the film distribution cooperative New Day Films and member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. He has received numerous foundation grants, including the California Council for the Humanities, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Laurance Rockefeller Foundation, the Columbia Foundation, the Wells Fargo Foundation and the Educational Foundation of America. He was recognized by the Northern California Marin Arts Council as an Outstanding Artist of the Year, and by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences for Outstanding Documentary Achievement. In workshops worldwide and at the renowned Esalen Institute, Andy teaches photography and video as a means of connecting to our environment and our selves.

Pure Encapsulations: The Science Behind the Supplements with Barry W. Ritz, PhD.

When I was completely destroyed by Lyme disease, bedridden for three years and multiple organs, glands and bodily systems damaged, I felt I would be left living life from inside my home and on the sidelines. Many people with chronic diseases need to nourish the depleted bodily systems, as well as repair damages. Nutritional supplements and herbals are absolutely essential tools in this healing path. I am now proud to be 100% recovered from autoimmune syndromes and advanced neurological Lyme disease. One of the KEY COMPONENTS in my recovery was the use of the beautiful products PURE ENCAPSULATIONS make. They helped me reclaim my health and overcome so many symptoms.

I swear their Mitochondria ATP cured the CFS in 2 weeks and without their CoQ10, DHEA, quercitin and more I do not know if I would be as vital as I am now!! Considered the ‘Clinique” of the supplement spectrum, PURE contain no additives, fillers, dyes or fancy branding. They are clean, simple, pure and the highest grade supplements I favor. My office shelves and home cupboard are stocked!! I am a walking example of how these high grade nutritive supplements can change lives.

This week on “Lyme Light Radio”, I welcome Barry Ritz, PhD, of PURE ENCAPSULATIONS.  Dr. Ritz oversees the science and regulatory functions for a large international dietary supplement company.  He will discuss how companies develop and manufacture new products—under strict good manufacturing practices—the regulatory environment for dietary supplements and the importance of clinical studies.

Tune in this Wednesday, April 29 at 4PM ET/1PM PT on WBLQ AM 1270 or at http://www.transformationtalkradio.com for this chance to look under the hood at how nutrition scientists develop the products we all rely on!

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH


Barry-Ritz_croppedBarry W. Ritz, Ph.D., is the V.P. of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs at Atrium Innovations, Inc. Dr. Ritz is a member of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences and chairs the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s Medical Affairs Subcommittee. A former professor at Drexel University, Dr. Ritz is an expert in nutritional immunology and has numerous publications in scientific journals.

Lyme Disease Author and Radio Host Speaks in Concord NH

Though the snows still blanket the land, the air is warming and the sun soothing to a softer hue. How happily we New Englanders welcome the thaw of early spring, the sap running in the maples and the sweet smoke of sugaring shacks at work! We also now perk up the antennae to tick season around the bend.

The tiny insects, in the spider family actually, harbor the atrocious bacterial infection of Lyme disease and other illness inducing organisms. What is tricky too is that the baby tick nymphs hatching out now in late March and April are very tiny and translucent. Their outer shell is still forming yet they can carry the diseases. We must all be alert as we rake out flower beds, clean up wood piles and winter blow-downs, and our pets and live stock take to the fields, woods and yards.

Katina I. Makris,renowned Homeopath and educator,who specializes in Lyme disease, welcomes all to the Concord Library at 45 Green St, Concord, NH Monday March 23, 7pm. She covers a great deal of information as well as introduces her award winning Lyme recovery memoir and healing guide OUT OF THE WOODS, HEALING LYME DISEASE, BODY, MIND & SPIRIT, released by Helios Press, in a new second edition.

Speaker One 2015- Skyhorse- Concord

With tick season in motion, come join us for a great evening, as Katina heads out on her nationwide book tour, and as Keynote Speaker at the famed TickedOffMusicFest.com series– fundraising and Lyme awareness at big city venues, that bring healing, help and music together for the good of an exploding public health crisis.

Call 603-225-8670

The Lyme Disease Story and a Message of Hope from Canada with Jeanne Pacey

On a spectacular summer solstice weekend in Rhinebeck, NY I had the great good fortune of meeting 5 wonderful health care practitioners from just outside of Toronto, Canada. These curious minded, passionate people travelled to come learn how to treat the treacherous infectious illness Lyme disease, from myself, Dr Richard Horowitz and Dr Tom Francescott, at the “Living Well With Lyme Disease” healing workshop we were leading at the famed Omega Institute.

How brave and brilliant and committed this Toronto team is to create a recovery program for the all too many Lyme stricken individuals struggling in Canada! The epidemic surges in this land of wending rivers, stretching waterways and deep forests.


I am so pleased to welcome a special guest to Lyme Light Radio this Wednesday November 12, 2015 at 1pm pt/ 4pm et. One of the lovely women whom I met at Omega joins me from Canada- bringing both her tragic, yet inspiring story to our listeners and news of Lyme disease in the great “North Woods”!

Jeanne Pacey is a health and wellness coach and Lyme disease activist. She was infected with Lyme disease in 1977, and went undiagnosed for many years. She was bedridden from 2006 to 2012, when she was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease. She has completed two years of herbal and antibiotic treatment, and she now leads a normal life with healthy diet, healthy environment to work and live in , exercise, and regular saunas.

Tune into TransformationTalkRadio.com, TheDrPatShow.com, WBLQ.net or 1230AM in Southern New England on the dial this week– get inspired!!

Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH