lead by Katina Makris, CCH, CIH; certified homeopath, certified medical intuitive, author, holistic educator

This three part series will include 30 minute facebook live online teaching modules for;

your teacher; Katina Makris

+prevention – January 11, 2022, 8 pm est/ 5 pm pst

+acute infection – January 25, 2022, 8 pm est/5 pm pst

+post recovery / long hauler- February 1, 2022, 8 pm est, 5 pm pst

PREVENTION: Katina Makris, renowned a homeopath and holistic educator, pinpoints the most optimal viral prevention herbs and supplements to be used for the vaccinated, the unvaccinated, prior infection cases, children, the elderly, health care workers and all of us essentially.

These professional grade products are NOT normally available to you without a practitioner prescription and are far superior than what is found in commercial stores or online. One item alone is an ancient herb blend that a master herbalist tweaked to be 100% effective for deterring the original SARS. It is highly helpful with this pandemic now, too.

Collaborating with the 25 year old distribution company, Mountain Health Products, Katina has made available throughout the series, access to superior supplements for you and your family. A discount code will be offered if you order three of the bundles or more. Information provided during the classes.

ACUTE INFECTION: After the acute module on January 25, Katina will continue with the acute phase infection for omicron and all the variants with the ESSENTIAL herbals, supplements and specific homeopathic remedies that help for rapid recovery and less consequences. These are great ‘go tos’ by, 

Enhancing immune support, reducing internal inflammation, assisting the adrenal glands and protecting against blood coagulation, heart and kidney damages, which is very important at this phase. This is an invaluable module and you will want to stock up on this ACUTE CARE bundle to keep on hand in the house just in case you or a family member gets sick with the highly contagious virus. You do not be wanting to wait 48 hours for an order in the mail.

RECOVERY PHASE: Post acute viral recovery can be weeks or months with Covid. Endocrine gland depletions, mitochondria weakness, electrolyte imbalances, latent retroviruses can be implicated. You will learn what to take for exhaustion, brain fog and lingering CFS or digestive implications. Some long haulers have been struggling for several months because of these issues that traditional Western medicine does not have a good treatment for. Holistic medicine however is a shining star with chronic fatigue syndrome, reactivated Epstein-Barr virus, mitochondria weakness and of course adrenal insufficiency and thyroid injury. You do not want to miss this module. It’s a game changer for many.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on

My Covid Chronicle ; part 1, the surprise infection

The Covid 19 Chronicle; part 1.
By Katina Makris

Dear friends,

I will be publishing a mini booklet on my experience as a Covid 19 patient as well as a homeopathic practitioner who treated over 60 cases before I too became infected.

My goal is as always, to share the hard honest truth personally about suffering and healing, as well as to include the best of holistic medicine I can educate about as a professional, and some of the amazing science I have been studying surrounding this virus from high quality international sources over the last 18 months.

Today we will begin with the acute infection stage of my experience. I know many of you whom have read my Lyme disease and autoimmune illness books, my inspirational ones or have attended my workshops and presentations know that I come from a place of a purely open heart and open mind. I do not take bias. I am very honest. Though I’m a holistic practitioner I love science and respect western medicine when it is appropriate. It’s not an either/ or for me regarding healing but a melding.

I’m fortunate to have my pre med education from prestigious Duke University and received my homeopathic education at the last of the original homeopathic medical schools in the USA from the 1800s, The Hahnemann School of Homeopathy, back in the 1980s. ( it has since closed but I was trained by the late great master Dr Francesco Eizayaga, Dr Candegabe and the still revered master Dr George Vithoulkas).

This piece will be longer in booklet form, but I wanted to give us a starting point. The choices surrounding my COVID 19 infection treatment were made by my excellent integrative medicine physician & ILADS Lyme doctor. He’s a well educated physician of prominence. Only the homeopathic remedies were selected by me . But, some of this information is insightful in an overall picture regarding this quixotic virus.

Tuesday October 4 I woke up full of energy as usual, alert and excited to get an autumn swim in at the pond. I had a moderate patient load that day. By noon I was sneezing often and blowing my suddenly runny nose. Thinking allergies I dosed on 750 mg of quercitin & took a homeopathic remedy allium cepa, which did curtail some of the sinus discharge. I was starting to feel tired and had body aches by 4 pm. I decided not to swim, and lay down. When I woke from a deep nap 2 hours later I felt awful !

My head was splitting with a bad migraine, my eyeballs hurt on movement, my neck was stiff and I felt the chills. Covid immediately popped in my mind . Temperature 99.5 & I’m usually 97.5. Damn it !! I knew I was infected by dinner time.

Immediately I took a famous influenza and COVID 19 homeopathic remedy, Gelsemium semperverins 200c potency every 2 hours. It was helping the awful neck & body pains but not the sinus. I had already used it successfully on dozens of other early C19 cases with my patients. It was a fitful night sleep with the fever climbing.

Wednesday October 5, I went for a PCR test at a local pharmacy & texted my physician “im certain I have Covid”. He immediately had me come in for a rapid test. Within 30
Seconds it was showing a freaky strong positive v the often 10-15 minutes many folks require. Doc said straight up, “ Katina for this sudden a positive antigen response you are carrying a heavy viral load. You got a strong exposure not a 5 minute passing one. Where were you the last 3-4 days? We must be prepared.” meaning could I manifest the pneumonia or heart problems ? I had never had bronchitis or pneumonia or strep in my life, I instinctively felt my lungs would hold up, but the vascular symptoms were equally dangerous.

We reviewed my whereabouts. I wear a mask at all indoor access places, the grocery store, gas station, & use drive up banking, pharmacy. I’m borderline neurotic about exposure as I’m not vaccinated as I have struggled with an active huge epstein Barr virus outbreak since March & we have been working very hard with anti virals to get the virus to go dormant as receiving a vaccine with it active triggers AFIB & chronic fatigue syndrome in many, so I have been an at risk patient for 5 months & stayed outdoors all summer socially & live alone. I wash my hands constantly, use sanitizer & was on the customary immune support of
Vitamin D3 10,000 iu, Liposomal Vit C 2000 mg, zinc picolinate 50 mg, quercitin 750 mg, colloidal silver 1 dropper, and panaxea’s ‘anti virii’ an ancient Chinese herbal anti viral blend tweaked by a master herbalist for the original SARS, which it is 100% effective with & my distributor had advised its 90% effective w C19. I felt safe but was ‘worn out’ the last 2 weeks with my practice overloaded w sudden delta variant cases. I was thinking I needed a vacation just a few days prior.

I was at a large outdoor memorial of life on the Saturday before my first symptoms and inside with my mask off for 90 minutes on Friday out to dinner. 😱 We think that was the exposure , or possibly a vaxed carrier at the memorial. Friday was only the 3rd time in 18 months I was in a public place with my mask off. This intuitively felt to be the exposure point.

Doc called in ivermectin 20mg/ day to the only pharmacy in NH whom is still permitting access to this well known anti parasitic & anti viral pharmaceutical used often in Lyme disease , Bartonella & many parasitic infections from the equatorial belt (where it is over the counter as the tropics are loaded with parasite & amoeba infections). CVS had already called him & said ‘you are no longer permitted to use ivermectin for Covid 19’ which irritated him enormously as he’d helped many seniors avoid hospitalization with c19 via this relatively benign medicine ( this is not the ‘horse paste’ cruder version people are a accessing, this form is attenuated to body weight & a finer graded human use). I also learned from him that Merck was holding the reins in on ivermectin distribution as they are about to release a new C19 drug costing them $17. to produce but will be sold at $700!! My physician is outraged at his professional hands being strapped, and knows the power Merck carries over other smaller pharmaceutical companies. Anyway. I filled my prescription & drove home feeling like hell & fever climbing to over 101.

The next 5 days are a blur now, I became quite sick very fast. Extreme fatigue, 12 hours sleeping, 3 hour coma naps, thirsty & shivering, zero appetite, awful nausea, this disgusting putrid taste in the back of my throat, bad headache & extreme weakness, so much so I nearly had to crawl to the bathroom. I was too weak to get food or take my several rounds of supplements. The fever soared to 103.5 even on ivermectin! I needed support, but was alone.

Within 3 days the mucous stopped & thankfully never went near my lungs, I had sudden burning diarrhea & burning body pains where my skin hurt to touch. I switched to homeopathic arsenicum album 1m , 3-4 x day. India heralds this as the lead C19 homeopathic remedy. I checked in w a Brazilian colleague. He agrees. It stopped the diarrhea & burning pains immediately! It helped the weakness to some degree. I could feel the IVM arresting the fevers & when it would wear off. I looked forward to my daily dose.

One night I was scared, I texted my doc w 104 fever, “should I go to ER?” We FaceTimed. Because my lungs were clear & he didn’t want me on steroids which would suppress my innate immune response he said ‘Advil, put on more blankets, drink 1 gal of water & electrolytes, burn it out. Let’s see how you are by morning. Have your landlord ready for emergency .” It was a terrible night of severe body pains, visions, my dad spirit visiting, chills, shakes, extreme nausea. Profound weakness. My landlord left me soups & a friend dropped off fruit- only thing I could stomach.

By morning fever 100.5. The worst we prayed was passing. My hair was filthy, bedsheets sweaty mess, empty bottles of coconut water all over the floor, a huge basket of supplements by my bed. I had chakra stones lined on my body ( 3rd chakra stone would build up to hot heat), ran the rife machine codes 2 fb lyme colleagues kindly sent me, all of you were praying for me. I now had an awful rash on my chest. I felt sicker than dengue fever, weaker than Lyme disease, and could ‘taste’ this organism was not natural.. it has a foul chemical lab type flavor. It did remind me of malaria fevers tho as a teen in Africa.

My doctor is incredible, he spoke w me every evening ( but as a homeopath I did that too daily w my c19 cases), he watched me like a hawk w my genetics for blood clots, past lyme & pericarditis history. The fevers hung around 99.5-100.4 for a few more days, we stopped the IVM after 7 days thinking the rash could be a side effect ? I moved to homeopathic remedy Kali phos. For weakness & kidney support. Bukoloke to prevent blood coagulation & more adrenal support with that inflammatory fever draining my adrenal glands from their natural anti inflammation production.

And then, on day 15 it started to lift !! The fevers broke, I washed my hair , I was finally hungry a bit. I don’t recall who was who but god bless my dear dear friends whom made me tuna casserole, bone soups, fruit bowls. My landlord & long time friend was always in the wings, we texted if i was struggling/ collect my trash, ferry me upstairs fresh pears, the mail. Ran a load of laundry. It was a strange sequestered 15 days of isolation & extreme weakness. It’s a bitch of a virus!!

Day 16, a lovely man whom I’d just stated dating (a former Chicago trauma ER nurse of all things) flew in from AZ to care for me, he too had been checking on me daily. For 4 days he gave me shoulder rubs, Cooked tons for me, stocked up groceries, held me & made me laugh.
I couldn’t stop quietly crying in the night knowing I was rounding the bend, my swimmers lungs held strong, all of you, my friends, family & dear son messaging me pep talks of ‘mom you are a fighter! You can beat this. Hold strong. Take your remedies. You beat out worse. Mom you are an athlete. Do yoga breathing. You will rebound!’

God bless 🙏🏼 on day 21, I saw my integrative Medical doc & reported the strong vitals signs; oxygen 97, head clear as a bell. BP 110/95, pulse 65. Doc declared me finished with the acute, ran a ton of blood work& sent my beau & me out on a dinner date 😎💥 I put on a dress, a bra & makeup! People said I looked terrific, I felt like Bambi on fawn wobbly legs, but wow I was out in the world & laughing !

Doc says my antibodies are 22x stronger than the vax version, from the first 24 hour lab work in !! I’m fragile, but OUT OF THE WOODS! More labs coming in shortly, but as of today the lab wanted to buy my plasma off me as my antibody count is so high I could help the ICU critical cases !

I will chronicle my huge supplement array next & be offering a mini online webinar on holistic health prevention 12/6… watch for details or my Website . Some of the herbs & mitochondrial support have been huge helpers. I’mA+ blood type, the most susceptible to the virus & I have thalassemia minor genetic anemia, an offshoot of sickle cell, again another huge vulnerability factor. The irony is I was scheduled for the J&J vax 2 days after I was stricken !! After months of getting the damn EBV load finally down I was mere days away from probably manifesting a ‘mild’ infection v an aggressive one. Omg ! Crazy timing!

I am tender. I still nap. It’s been raining heavily. I’m alone again but can prepare a meal, walk up a flight of stairs slowly. I watch the foliage in awe, the light transmuting on the mountain ridge. I miss swimming so much ! I will start orchard walks as soon as the rain lifts. I can tell it will be a month or so to regain my muscles, stamina, cardiovascular conditioning , but I’m alive & well. At 63, with high risk factors & no vax I blessedly sneaked through another close call on the knife edge of death. I had seen it before though & called on my eagle guardian, my late dad, & used my mind & will to hold still & not panic.

I’m forever grateful to my strong constitution, all my allies, the IVM
& my holistic medicine both, & the lovely space I live in. This virus is NOT GOOD! I’ve treated so many influenza, pneumonia, lyme cases in my 37 years. This thing is not ‘normal’ it barely responded to time honored homeopathic & herbals, that have knocked out fevers in minutes. Please be careful, mask up, take vitamin D ! Delta is contagious even with a vax & the latest stain in UK – A.1.9. Is skirting all the vax . We seem
To be in for a long run here. Years, not months. I will share my international research in the future.

Meanwhile, must still watch blood coagulation, oxygenating & rebuilding strength. I’m on homeopathic cinchona 30c now for post influenza weakness & ton of liver & spleen support, more to detail on glutathione & NAC.

Time for dinner & bed . With love & light,

103.6 fever
Continue reading “My Covid Chronicle ; part 1, the surprise infection”

Tick Action: An Online Introduction: Getting Serious About Lyme | Rowe.Center

Tick Action: An Online Introduction: Getting Serious About Lyme | Rowe.Center
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Please join me on Wednesday September 22, 2021 for a free Lyme disease virtual class.

This will be a 2 hour format. I will present the first 90 minutes and then we will have 30 minutes of Q & A.

The following 6 weeks will be a Lyme disease recovery series from 7-9 pm et via the Rowe Institute virtual learning program.

I will cover many topics including acute care information, diagnostic testing, chronic case recovery tools with holistic & integrated medicine, as well as dealing with the emotional and spiritual sides of suffering.

As a chronic lyme survivor myself and homeopath of over 35 years, & 20 years working with Lyme disease cases, there will be much valuable material and insights into full life healing.

Please register at the link here and also share with your friends!

Thank you,


Lyme Disease: A Survivor’s Lessons – Spirit of Change Magazine | Holistic New England

Many chronic illnesses, and Lyme disease in particular, ask us to turn within, to our deep sources of personal healing and resiliency.
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After my own 10 year decimating Lyme disease odyssey, bedridden 3 years too, I made 100% recovery & well 12 years now. 🙌🏼prior to pandemic I taught 30 live inspirational & my 4 pronged approach methods that is very helpful workshops & at conferences ! That’s over 200 in 9 years ! I

A certified homeopath of 37 years. I loved empowering people with self skills and guiding them to approach their doctors or ND & other licensed practitioners to implement my tools outlined in my books & fleshed out in these workshops w me & full Q@ A.

Join me on virtual class w the Rowe institute. Wednesday’s starting 9/22 with a 90 min into & then 6 Wednesday’s starting 9/29 at very affordable rate:)

I am

Excited to start teaching & inspiring again the hard work w skilled homeopath & patient is vey unique in this story line . Read below story & do JOIN ME!

We can

Shift your blocks, answer confusions & bring good 🙏🏼

Katina, CCH, CIH

See story & class info below, very affordable on purpose !!

Creating a Supportive On line Community for COVID crisis living via the Global Human Connection Project – Katina’s Story & Commitment

Once upon a time a young girl, with long brown hair and a sensitive spirit, spent her days rambling in the woods, building faerie houses and collecting mica chips as glittering bits to add to her secret moss garden nestled under an old hemlock. This lanky tomboy climbed high up into the grand wolf pines, gazing over the land like a Native American scout. She nursed abandoned, wounded bunnies and lost cats, and by 13 years old, astride her pinto pony Circus Boy, this growing girl decided she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up – most specifically, an endocrinologist, as biology class had piqued her fascination with the symphony chords of these tiny glands.

The awkward young swan who moved with a natural athleticism, gravitated to the rarified air of the Vermont mountains, trekking to high altitudes in her summers, and she volunteered as a candy striper and nurse’s aid every Saturday throughout her high school years at North Shore Community Hospital. By the time she entered Duke University as a pre-med student, her heart was cemented as a healer.

But medicine in the mid-1970s ended up being a stern, clinical, non-congenial atmosphere for the sensitive healer, and after three years working in glaucoma research and in hospital wards, the drive to become a medical physician was stymied, as planted behind a clipboard and doling drugs did not resonate with the compassion she felt for those who suffered, and the medicines felt nothing like her flora friends from the woodlands and meadows she grew up with. So she abandoned medical school.

Adrift on Wall St and unmoored with her lamplight of healing ways misplaced, this young woman serendipitously discovered an ancient healing art called Homeopathy at age 23. From sentence one she knew this was where her talents could take root. Good fortune placed her at the knees of the two greatest practicing homeopaths of the Western world – Dr. George Vithoulkas from Greece and Dr. Fracesco Eiyzaga from Argentina. She studied with these masters and other greats for many years, bringing her innate healing energy, sharp mind, and keen intuition to razor-fine placement.

Katina Irene Makris thrived for two decades as a Classical Homeopath in a small NH hamlet, sat on the board of the Council of Homeopathic Certification for seven years, helping write the national exam, and sustained a burgeoning private practice in partnerships with other medical professionals. She had met her life’s purpose – ministering to those who were unwell and needing to heal. Her reputation stretched throughout New England.

Then, a on sparkling summer day in 2000, this new mother, living a holistic life of decades, fell deeply and mysteriously ill, with profound fatigue, neck pains, searing migraines, collapse, vertigo, and no real diagnosis. Six months later, she was told she had chronic fatigue syndrome. One year later, an anxiety disorder and excruciating meningitis style migraine complex. Eventually, she had foot drop, IBS, fibromyalgia, pericarditis and by year four was 100% bedridden. No one could heal the born healer. Only her treasured homeopathic remedies and acupuncture treatments enabled her to find windows of pain relief or a few nights’ sleep.

By the fifth year, she was bedridden, financially, spiritually, and emotionally broken, divorced and near death. Then, a miracle occurred after many tearful years in isolation and depression. A savvy clinical nutritionist PhD colleague used specialty labs (Igenex and Bowen) to isolate a long-festering case of advanced neurological Lyme disease.

To receive a valid diagnosis was a light in a cavernous, pitch-dark tunnel, and yet how to heal? Five years of antimicrobial herbals, nutritional supplements, homeopathics, acupuncture, rife technology, spiritual healing and personal lifestyle changes enabled Katina to heal and reclaim her life. The return from the underworld of advanced misdiagnosed Lyme disease back to the light of the living, akin to Persephone, was profound. So much so that she wrote a book of inspiration, giving voice to the inner life of a Lyme victim.

Katina had lost everything we strive for in the “American Dream:” home, marriage, savings, health, career, family, community, self-confidence; and yet she held onto something very precious: her life’s calling to bring healing and nurturance to others. In the darkest hours, curled like a wounded animal, sleet tapping on the roof, she prayed for help and healing. Slowly, she rebuilt her body, mind, and spirit. She survived the trial, the tempest, the call of death.

Today, the world knows Katina Makris as the author of “Out of the Woods:Healing Lyme Disease, Body, Mind & Spirit”, her next book “Autoimmune Illness and Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending the Body, Mind & Spirit”, and her fall 2019 release “Loving Yourself Enough to Live”, as well as host of the cutting-edge radio program “Lyme Light Radio,” and perhaps the most inspirational speaker you could meet when it comes to resiliency and passion for overcoming a full life catastrophe as well as motivation on ending the Lyme disease epidemic. She has presented over 209 live presentations and workshops in 8 years, nationally and internationally.

And, underneath the surface, this dynamic woman, who captivated us with a stunning radio interview or an evocative rally speech, has the tender soul of a healer. That same spirit who ministered to foster animals and countless toddlers with ear infections now brings her heartfelt compassion to the enormous stage of the COVID 19 crisis and all those suffering with personal adversity.

I tell you this story about myself for a reason. I am living a life I could never have imagined and I take it all in with deep gratitude, true pride, and honest commitment.

Our society is struggling in dire ways. Infectious and autoimmune diseases are everywhere and have maimed generations. Not everyone recovers the way I so blessedly did. My life’s purpose has become much bigger than me. I am being “led” to foster change, to put voice and power together with wisdom and experience to ignite all the right forces to come together – to work together like that delicately balanced endocrine system orchestration – to crack the cross-over components of illnesses and syndromes, and to ammend the endless emotional and spiritual suffering of a world in need.

Time is not on our side. We are working at grassroots and global levels to address the Coronavirus pandemic. This is good, and we need more states, the Federal Government, and a unification amongst all health care capacities to step up to the plate.

As the world turns now in the confusions and contortions of the swift moving Covid 19 pandemic I have been recruited as an author, speaker and podcast host in a broad reaching critical online community venue of ENORMOUS REACH (20 million in China, 10 million in USA & counting in each continent) , fostered by the vision of a global visionary and humanitarian Matthew Casto and strategist Wayne Pettigrew to create connection, community, resource and understanding in an online capacity of how we cope and grow within the extended quarantines and lockdown isolationism of this sure crisis.

The Global Human Connection, launching the week of May 11,2020 is profound work we are doing. I walk this road with you all, hand in hand. May we find the diagnosis, the research, and the cures for this organism, and may the wounded spirits find love and light and rebirth in our efforts. May the talents and passions of these authors and hands on committed individuals foster an ongoing forum and community for us to share our caring, insights and palpably growing online family with a world in sequestered and sometimes harrowing need .

Through the darkest of times of suffering and trauma, we humans face the dichotomy of death and rebirth. This is nature’s order both clinically with pandemics and at a societal and personal levels Invoke transformation, old structures and systems sadly will crumble and die, as they needs or 40-60 years ago and not the accelerated over externalized rapid multi tasking hamster wheel of recent 20 years with the electronic kingdom yanking us of all ages everywhere, are now different.

For our human needs to ground, nurture an inner life, relate with compassion and cooperation, to slow down and rebalance our duality of an inner and external fulcrum of mankind’s yin and yang fulcrum: receptivity and fertility of creation with the drive to achieve, protect and build are up for current examination.

As hard as this shocking, serious illness is, layered over my years of working with holistic health and lifestyle, the advent of this super bug does not surprise me in some ways. But, we must heed its virility and rapidly learn to adjust to self care, slowed down paces, home & family time, feeding the soul in human simplicity, not the opulent excessives of post WW2 and a relatively graced and luxuriously epidemic free germ warfare in the western world since polio.

We are being tested, personally, professionally and socio-economically. Self reflection, adaptivity, technology, our creative youth and patience will guide us forward in the year and two to come .

But, now I introduce you to the profoundly important and nurturing work of the Global Human Connection project.

Please watch my media feeds, Blogs, emails, and announcements in the next weeks – we are moving quickly to lift this off the ground rapidly – all of the world needs this support.

15 stories and hard earned lessons will be shared in short essays, on line and radio, tv interviews about isolation, parenting tumult, sudden online schooling, Financial shock, kids in flux , relationships fraying, and how to remain healthy (body, mind & spirit) when daily exercise facilities, food shortages, drs offices closed ( not mine ❤️, Been virtual for 7 years) ? Yet, I believe in our youth & the beauty of great scientists working in union.

So, check out the Global Human Collective site launching now & join a forum to truly open your patterning of old ways, in order to grow and succeed in the transformational spectrum of Coronavirus and our eventually more healthily paced new world order / lead by our tech savvy innovative youth .

I’m deeply honored to be one of the 15 authors bringing pathways forward for us all; united with athletes, celebrities, business leaders, artists, authors, students and health care minds from Iran, Italy, Brazil, Africa , USA, UK, China and more . Watch for more on our weekly presentations, writings, interviews, quotes, self help, global community unification and just pure LOVE.. after all

This emotion and motivator unites everyone of us. It is the glue we need after recent decades of over self focus from the infinitesimal to massive governmental and big business greed


Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH

PS. Please contact me here if you want to participate, have questions and want to

Get on our weekly inspirational information and practicality advice from Stir crazy, to juggling remote work & home schooling, Health needs, financial sorting, fraying mental health, aging parents and Just life with so drastically less human connection, affection, socialization .

This charity based foundation is for us all – sponsors are needed, the writers and professionals working gratis to foster compassion and balancing our rather shattered former known structures.

We will rebirth with a western society of deepening healthier values and more streamlined systems . I have faith in our resilience and talents.

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH

The Wisdom of Elders

My treasured 92 year old aunt Vange is my late dad’s sister. She is a great lady for many reasons. Her heart is huge, her spirit playful and her life perspective vast.

Though born in NY, in 1928, on the lip of the great depression, their father sent Vange, her brother George, & his own wife (my grandma Catina) back to her hometown of Salonica, Greece, while he lived in the back Room of his delicatessen, to ride the worst of it out, with his family in Greece, while he kept the store alive.

It worked out. After milking goats & making feta cheese, speaking only Greek, and her 7 year old brother working as an errand boy, they came back to
The USA, and had about 5 difficult years as immigrants, being ridiculed, but they pulled past. Then WW2 came. Again the nation was in crisis, but bonded together, men in battle & women in labor force & growing victory gardens & on rations.

Freedom returned in the late 1940s to be followed quickly with the frightening explosion of the polio epidemic, sweeping the nation & world for a dire decade until vaccines came. But, the medical system was maxed out & facilities needed to be built just for polio/ with iron lungs, leg braces & vast nursing. She said it was very tough on the heels of the Great Depression, loosing so many young men in WW2 & then the polio.

We sat outside the other night, along biscayne bay in Miami & talked & laughed, as twilight descended with its lavender bliss & families at her condo kept social distance, while kids romped with their remote control cars & rode scooters. Very loving feelings in the air as we smiled & Waved to one another, amid lockdown .

Vange says Covid -19 reminds her of the polio outbreaks. Frightening. Sweeping. Uncertainty. And, she says… “then we only had radio & newspapers. The TV is feeding us hysteria engulfed information 24/7. It’s not helping people. Fear will make you sick”, my wise elder reminded me.

“Laugh sweetheart, laugh. Fun & laughter are your natural gifts anyway. Try to talk and laugh with your friends on the phone. Science is working hard on this, from all over the world. They solved AIDS, polio, malaria, TB, SARS. They will solve this. It’s new, it’s fast moving & my feeling is many already have been exposed & have built immunity. Sadly, the weakest will die & the strongest genetics will Live. Keep athletic as you are, get sunshine & fresh air, stay positive , follow their isolation exercises. We will pull through and the young generation will rebuild the world with their creativity & resilience. Be patient honey.

Look at all my generation went through 25 years back to back to back. The last 50-60 years have been extraordinarily safe, healthy, wealthy. It was a luxurious era you have lived in. I pray for you, Barbara & Jake constantly. And your family & friends, but watch … it’s going to be addressed and managed in the next 2-4 years. Polio & AIDS took a decade. Be patient and learn to love every precious moment and person you value. It will shift.

Find ways to smile my beauty, smile that radiant smile of yours, it gives happiness to others. Happiness is healing . Don’t forget we are here to love one another.”

God bless my magnificent, sturdy, wise and loving Aunt Vange and her lens of time and generations to offer me perspective in this cyclone of rabid fear and confusion we swirled into, displacing our boundaries, confidence and vision. We will quake and we will pull through and rebuild a new path into a new tomorrow.

Loving you all on this Sunday of early spring.

Just What is Homeopathic Medicine? Can it help with corona virus COVID-19?

Over the last 20 years, the holistic or alternative healing medicine modalities have grown in popularity in the USA, for their gentle workings, no or minimal side effects, non-pharmaceutical chemical ingredients, often well proven centuries of effectiveness and their similar principles of studying the person and their condition in totality; physical, emotional, mental.

You have maybe tried or heard about some of the alternative disciplines such as chiropractic, acupuncture, herbalism, reiki, homeopathy, naturopathic medicine or functional medicine, but do not actually know exactly what these practitioners do ‘with you’ or ‘for your complaint’. Where do practitioners study? Are they legal? How do they work? All great questions and well explained in my comprehensive book “Autoimmune Illness and Lyme Disease Recovery Guide” (Skyhorse Publishing, 2015).

Today we will look at a fascinating healing art, which happens to be a wonderful self help toolbox for acute conditions and is a terrific player with epidemics, whether malaria, influenza, chicken pox, pneumonia and potentially a ‘home runner hitter’ with the novel COVID-19 corona virus sweeping the world currently. Let us look at the what, how and who questions with Homeopathic medicine.


Classical homeopathy is a comprehensive branch of alternative medicine that has been in existence since the late 1700s. The founder, a German physician Samuel Hahnemann, brought to light two intrinsic principals, which are the cornerstones of this healing discipline. The first, known as “the Law of Similars,” states that something that can cause a disease can also cure it. The second is the “magic of the minimum dose,” which is the least amount of a substance to be used for curative purposes, but not to induce side effects.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was a German research scientist working on understanding why quinine, or Peruvian bark, was effective in curing malaria. The suspicion was that its highly bitter quality was the essential reason. Hahnemann was not convinced of that explanation. During his studies he elected to self-experiment and began taking quinine himself. Curiously enough, a couple of weeks into this process Hahnemann developed the symptoms of malaria, in winter !This struck him as odd, as he wondered why a substance that was curing an illness could also cause it.

Hahnemann stopped taking the quinine, and the symptoms cleared up. He recommenced it and the malaria symptoms returned. This sparked the scientist’s thinking. He turned to the converse thought process that if something can cause an illness to manifest, could it in turn, be curative to that symptom state? Thus classical homeopathic theory was born.

Hahnemann devoted the rest of his long, illustrious life to exploring hundreds of common substances and their curative capabilities. He hired dozens of associate physicians and scientists to do provings on multitudes of substances, ranging from traditionally used herbals like chamomile and leopard’s bane, to the more dangerous medical substances of arsenic and mercury. The cataloguing of these provings and studies done on hundreds of human beings is compiled in William Boericke’s Homeopathic Materia Medica. It’s a vast, brilliant piece of scientific work. Homeopaths still rely on this “bible” over two hundred years later.

Hahnemann was concerned about the dangerous side effects of taking too much of a substance, specifically arsenic and mercury, then used liberally for treating syphilis. This spurred him into experimenting with diluting amounts for curative work. Something sparked Dr. Hahnemann’s thinking to shake or “success” each progressive dilution as it was made. He would start by making a mother tincture of a substance, akin to an herbal tea, then dilute it one part to ten and shake that mixture. He then took one drop of that newly shaken potency, which he labeled as 1x and mixed that with another ten parts water in a new vial, shook that and labeled it 2x. One drop of the 2x was taken and diluted with ten parts water, shaken and became 3x. He continued this process of “potentization,” discovering that the more diluted, yet energetically “shaken,” potencies were faster acting and longer holding than the former one. So a 20x potency procured better results, eradicating symptoms more effectively than a 2x. This is the “minimum dose” principle of homeopathy. After the 30th dilution, no medicinal substance is found in the remedy, yet its effects are remarkably more effective than taking the original mother tincture—energy medicine at its finest.

Homeopathy spread like wildfire across Europe in the 1800s, becoming favored in the French and English courts. It made its way to America and across the Great Plains on wagon trains. Most households in the late 1800s relied on the homeopathic remedies Arnica, Lycopodium, and Rhus Tox for an assortment of ills. The world’s greatest homeopaths, James Tyler Kent and William Boericke, flourished along the East Coast at the turn of 1900. Dozens of homeopathic hospitals and colleges prospered in the era. In fact, the first medical society in the United States, known as the American Homeopathic Association (AHA), was founded in 1843, four years before the American Medical Association (AMA). The wealthy and famous, including the Rockefellers and Mark Twain, as well as the common man, found homeopathy to be gentle, effective, and reliable.

During the massive typhoid and influenza epidemics of the early 1900s, those who relied on homeopathic treatment fared dramatically better than those who turned to allopathic medicine. Homeopathic pharmacies abounded in all the major US cities well into the 1920s. Then, unexpectedly, things shifted with the advent of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a quest to eradicate the “snake oil” sideshow charlatans peddling nebulous elixirs at fairs and on sidewalks.

Laws were created regarding patenting, a wise step, and a man named Abraham Flexner was installed to investigate the numerous “quack doctors” and lay-physicians trained at the knee of their father-physican or in the wards of a civil war hospital. Homeopathy, unfortunately, became decimated in Flexner’s single-minded ambition to preserve only modern MDs. By the 1940s, homeopathy and natural medicine had essentially vanished from American life—pharmacies were boarded up and the schools’ and homeopathic hospitals’ licenses revoked. Only the Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia remained. Fortunately, FDA laws were passed regulating the manufacture of homeopathic remedies as standard over-the-counter aids, leaving them legally available. Still, with the advent of antibiotics and cortisone, both understandably so-called miracle drugs, the pharmaceutical industry had planted itself front and center in our society, shoving aside all other modalities. However, doctors in Europe, Asia, and South America continued to integrate homeopathy with Western medicine, enabling a more complementary practice of medicine to thrive in those continents.

Homeopathy embraces many ideals. Respecting the wisdom of the healing force within is one of homeopathy’s tenets. The body wants to heal, continually attempting to right itself when off-center, using primary methods of discharge to purge toxins and emotional impediments. The essence of homeopathy is to honor these attempts by providing the person with a remedy that actually mimics the constellation of symptomology, not counteracting the process already under way. Suppressing or counteracting symptomology, as allopathic (“opposite suffering”) medicine does (i.e., via decongestants or muscle relaxants), is oppositional to homeopathic doctrine. Instead, the simillimum remedy works by supporting and actually speeding up the healing process.

The two primary avenues of homeopathic application are acute and chronic care. Acute ills, such as sunburn, influenza, or bee stings, are self-limiting conditions and readily addressed with a remedy, often in a self-help vein. Chronic ills, like colitis, fibromyalgia, or asthma, are treated by a certified practitioner at a constitutional level.

The concept of a “constitutional type” is another essential facet of classical homeopathy. Each of us is recognized as being born with a particular given constitutional blueprint or type. Classical homeopaths are trained to identify one’s constitutional type by a set of qualities: body type, coloring, personality traits, and tendencies when ill. Genetic strengths and weaknesses in individual constitutional types are prone to manifestation of particular ills when run down or weakened. One’s natural characteristics and specific symptoms are all valued as illustrative measures, guiding a practitioner to the wondrously compatible substance from nature that most closely energetically resonates with each person and their innate life force. A Cimicifuga (black snake root) constitution will readily develop depression, migraines, joint pains, and stiffness. Meanwhile, a Silicea (flint) constitution shows easy tendencies to colds, ear infections, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, cysts, bowel irregularities, and often lack of self-confidence and social anxieties.

It’s critical for homeopaths to understand the person for who he or she is, as it’s the person, not the disease, that is being treated. Discovering who each individual is and what makes her/him tick, how each reacts to the world around her, what inspires him, what deflates her, is the agenda of the homeopath. Constitutional prescribing helps restore harmony and balance within the individual, whereby the body is then able to right itself, throwing off the symptoms and illness of its own accord.

Classical homeopathy is still practiced essentially the same as it has been for well over two hundred years. Homeopaths pay close attention to the details of symptoms and their fluctuations. Observation is essential, as well as the patient’s communication of their sensations and symptoms. The homeopath then matches the person and the remedy, thus coining the expression one knows so well with classical homeopathy that “like treats like.”

Allergy shots and vaccination principles have been borrowed from the homeopathy model of “like treats like.” A minute amount of a particular ingredient is introduced to stimulate the body’s own reactionary processes. However, homeopathic remedies are administered sublingually, bypassing the digestive tract, and are energy medicine as opposed to shots and vaccines, which are biochemical preparations that are injected directly into the bloodstream and contain many fillers and carrying agents, often creating side effects in sensitive systems.

Homeopathy requires two years of postgraduate training plus a premed background. Homeopaths are not considered primary healthcare providers unless they hold a license in another profession, such as MD, DO, DC, or LPN. Classical homeopaths can’t give exams, prescribe pharmaceuticals, or make a diagnosis. They will, however, make sure you receive the medical evaluation and care needed when indicated. Most have working relationships with allied health-care professionals, often in a shared office or clinic. The Council for Homeopathic Certification examines candidates for national certification annually. A good homeopath must be an excellent listener, open-minded, and a keen observer. A strong memory helps, too, as homeopaths need to be intimately familiar with hundreds of remedies to pass the national exam.

It’s a very tall order for a homeopath to pinpoint the one essential remedy out of over four thousand choices at the time of your first visit. Sometimes a few visits may be required before the perfect match is identified for chronic conditions, but then a whole new feeling of well-being is found.

Symptom alleviation can be rapid with an acute condition, often even when the remedy pellets are still dissolving under the tongue, as with an allergy spell. With chronic illness, regained wellness comes during a span of weeks and months as the body recalibrates.

Classical homeopathy experienced a resurgence in the United States in the late 1970s, when Dr. Bill Gray introduced Dr. George Vithoulkas, master homeopath from Greece, to the pioneering collective of doctors, nurses, veterinary doctors and laypeople who had held the remnants of this healing art in a protective clutch. Soon other great masters from South America and Europe came to train these followers. By the late 1990s, homeopathic schools were reborn and pharmacies on the rise. Today, commonly used potencies, such as 6c, 30c, and 200c (in which c dilutions indicate 1/100 parts), are available in most health food stores and even allopathic pharmacies, and large, high-tech machines make it possible to potentize remedies up to the 50,000 dilution!

Homeopathy has not been studied at the scientific level during the technological mastery of the last several decades. It has ambled along, mostly disregarded as old-fashioned and a bit fantastical. Because it does not fit the scientific standards of pharmacology and deductive reasoning, so much of our American medical system has tried to dismiss homeopathy as unproven and unscientific. It must be evaluated on a different spectrum, since its language and values are so divergent from allopathic medicine, being a system of empirical findings and data. Generations, however, testify to homeopathy’s capable workings. Animals and infants respond to it unequivocally. Germany, France, and India’s physicians are schooled in homeopathy.

Classical homeopathy offers highly valuable support in the treatment of viruses. Individual remedies may be prescribed to treat the various acute symptoms that plague the individual, whether joint pain, stomach irregularities, headaches, depression, fevers, or coughs. All such states are greatly aided by the fine workings of homeopathic remedies. 

Homeopathic remedies can be found in most health food stores, or ordered online from the world-renowned pharmacy Boiron. There are dozens of singular homeopathic remedies pertinent to clearing acute viral symptoms. Personally, bryonia, Eupatorium perf, aconite, and gelsemium saved my life! There are also wonderful “combination formulas” that contain 4–8 low-dose remedies in synergy to use at a purely physiological, or what homeopaths call “clinical symptom,” level to help with detoxification measures, hayfever, teething, insomnia, and much more. Health food stores have great sections for this purpose, where you find skinny blue, purple of white tubes with little white pellets inside and a latin title of the substance on the label.

Nuances and subtleties make all the difference in finding remedies that are a “direct” match for your case. Seeing a professional Classical Homeopath (CCH) or Naturopath (ND) who specializes in homeopathy is key for chronic illness like asthma, colitis, Lyme disease.

Many practitioners call themselves homeopaths. They are not properly certified. This is not a good situation. Homeopathy gets misused and misrepresented and is often ineffective in the hands of an only partially trained practitioner. You want a master, not a dabbler. This healing art requires vast training, a very astute mind, and someone with great perspective and finesse.

Practitioners can be found via the National Center for Homeopathy and the Council for Homeopathic Certification.

Symptom-Based Self-Help Remedies

 The rule of thumb is to try a remedy 2–3x per day for 3–4 days for an acute flu, ear infection, dental pain, corona virus. If there is no change for the better, then this remedy is not energetically compatible with your constitution or symptoms. Just stop it and try another with a similar symptom picture. There are no side effects with remedies; they either match and work or do nothing at all. But, we do not take remedies indefinitely, only when symptoms are present.

All homeopathics are labeled by their Latin name, so they can be found worldwide at pharmacies, versus their common name (e.g. wind flower or pasque flower for pulsatilla), which may vary by region. All remedies are to be taken with a “clean mouth,” meaning no food, drink, toothpaste, gum, etc. 15 minutes before or after a dose. Dissolve two pellets under the tongue, absorbed by the sublingual glands and bypassing the digestive tract. Some people note symptom alleviation in mere seconds under the tongue, others could require several doses for a change. Do not handle the pellets with your fingers, as they are sensitive to oils and fragrances and can become “negated.” Just pop them in your mouth. Some people dissolve the pellets in 2 inches of pure water and sip the solution over an hour or so. Thousands of books are available on this wondrous healing art that India, Germany, France, and England have relied upon for centuries.

See for a vast array of self-help books, DVDs, textbooks, materia medicas, and more.

Regarding the coronavirus surging around the world right now Covid-19. There are numerous remedies that seem to fit the symptom picture of this virus. We have the fever state, the bone and body pain state and the dry cough picture. Then it drops into pneumonia in that susceptible patients. Shortness of breath and often a heavy pressure on the chest is felt at this point.

I will be creating a online learning module to go over the specific remedy differentials for each of these phases of the virus and which ones can be administered in a self-help vein if you are quarantined at home and can order them online or have a friend pick them up at a health food store. I will make an announcement here on my blog as well on social media when this information is ready later in the week.

Homeopathy will certainly be an asset to the 80% of those afflicted with mild or moderate symptomology. However please do not dismiss the serious necessity of using Western medicine and emergency care if the lungs are involved and suspicious pneumonia is present. Also the elderly and the immune compromised need the support of certified homeopathic practitioner and or medical doctor. I do not want to give the impression that this virus is a mild or simple one and proper medical care is of course necessary under many circumstances. However, homeopathic medicine should be an ally and helping boost immune function and facilitate a quicker recovery and less complications.

Check out the national Center for homeopathic medicine as well as the council for homeopathic certification if you are looking for a practitioner. Feel free to also look at my website and some of my books which include homeopathic medicine information.

There is also a wonderful video on YouTube of me teaching homeopathic medicine self-help remedies for Lyme disease that was filmed at Omega Institute. It’s worth watching for a more in-depth explanation of the ceiling art and some examples of how you can use the remedies. It’s about 45 minutes of viewing. I’m wearing a bright pink dress in it. If you can’t find it on YouTube go to the website I am plug my name in the search window and it should pop up with a couple of other videos of me from Omega Institute.

With love and light and protection for all of us as coronavirus moves across the world. However, I do believe that it is a wake up call for all of us to start slowing down the rapid pace we have been living at and look at the ramifications of the over industrialized modern society we have created and thrown our relationship to nature out of balance. Another blog to come on that topic soon !!  



Quarantines: our internal slow down vs the external


As our society tumbles around in the fear quotient that the media is ramping up around the fast spread of the contagious COVID-19 a virus, I will be bringing us a series of helpful Healing messages. I’m a certified homeopathic practitioner of over 35 years and certified spiritual Healer of over 13. It’s my calling since childhood – a gift to lift others .

The first one I will bring to you in the next day or two is an explanation of what is homeopathic medicine. Most people think homeopathic medicine is actually herbal medicine, it is not, it is something much more specific and targeted to unique symptoms of conditions. It is a very effective healing modality with acute conditions and has been used for generations and generations for all the big epidemics of the world. It’s gentle, swift acting and effective with infants to octogenarians, & animals.

Homeopathic medicine was one of the most effective treatments for malaria and tuberculosis, influenza 1918, and diphtheria. We constantly use it for pneumonia and influenza with excellent success.

I will follow that up with another educational piece on how homeopathy is used with COVID-19. It maybe an online venue with more meaty material ?

I also will be writing you some articles on the purpose of the quarantines and actually the positive side all of us can learn from them about embracing quality time with our families and learning how to slow down and return to a pace that is much more healthy for us than the crazy ramped up one we’ve been living over the past decade. Remembering to really BE you vs the DOING you. A time of great inner reflection to assess regarding your giving vs receiving of energy and service in our highly productive achieving society. Take the home office for its pluses.

The natural health care practitioner, the nurturer, the grounded seasoned counselor in me sees how critical it is our society rests, let’s go of the outer world for a bit, restores with the basic of 25 years ago. We will settle, purge some excess stress and baggage, clean out your garage and headspace, and then come back newer in the late spring: more fit, slimmer, rested, tighter with loved ones and probably hatched a few creative ideas!

I’m seeing & feeling the good wave coming after the lurching relatively terrifying and certainly improperly handle one by the voted powers. We will rally a youthful vital nation !

It is my aim to educate and inspire. I will also release some videos on the power of the mind-body-spirit connection and what you can actually do at home with your very own self and with your children and loved ones to optimize immune function and the right attitude, as we learn how to buckle down to brass tacks during a time of necessity. Your mind is your most power ally . As my late, great dad would say “God gave you a mind. It is your job to use it wisely “.

Don’t forget this is one of the first times in several generations, since the 1980s with the AIDS explosion, that we’ve had something this intense. We have lived in a relatively comfortable and healthy era regarding illness. We should be very grateful compared to some of the other regions of the world.

I am standing in front of the tree of life at my acupuncturist office here in Miami. I am reminded from this picture of how we adapt; look at the branches and how they twist and turn and reach for the light and find a way to grow in spite of adversity. And, that is us!! All of us are capable of growth and adaptation and finding ways to thrive amidst difficult times or scary emotions.

Please, let’s all take a breath, let’s reflect on what we are grateful for in our lives and also recognize that in this modern age of technology that we are able to stay in touch with our loved ones via our electronic apparatus and that working at home is actually something many of us may enjoy and that our children are adaptable and will respond to us maintaining an upbeat and positive outlook, even though the tone on the news is exaggeratedly negative.

Yes, we need quarantine’s right now. Yes, we need to close schools and public events and sporting events and anything with crowds right now. We are behind the curve compared to what Singapore and South Korea and China swiftly did, to curtail the spread, with the quarantines, no travel and rapid testing. So, until we get up to speed please understand that keeping all of us safe in our dwellings and close to our family members is a measure that will actually work out in the long run.

Do whatever you can that makes yourself feel happy, whether it’s starting to plant little sets of seedlings inside for your spring garden or playing games with your children in the yard or board games or computer games in the house, or bulk cooking some recipes that you can freeze and of course finding ways to laugh.

Put on some music and dance 💃🏻 nothing could be better than getting your cardiovascular system going and laughing and being silly, because positive endorphins will enhance your immune function and put us all in a good frame of mind.

With love and light and all the positive intentions that the USA and we are able to quell the spread of this virus and the other countries of the world are able to as well, and that we band together and thrive as the warm weather and sunshine comes. News is this virus does not live in direct sunlight.

One of the old-fashioned tried-and-true methods you can employ that I used for decades while I lived in New Hampshire, is to wash your laundry in the machine and then hang it out on the line in direct sunshine to dry. That would kill the coronavirus organism and you might as well take your sofa pillows and rugs on a nice sunny day and drape them out over your outdoor lawn furniture or what not, and let them bake in the sunlight for a good 4 hours I understand !!!

With hope and in healing,


Author of several awards winning books ; “OUT OF THE WOODS; healing Lyme disease”

“Loving Yourself Enough To Live; Inspirational messages ”

“Autoimmune Illness & Lyme Disease Recovery Guide; Body, Mind & Spirit”



#covid -19



Lyme Disease Award Winning Author and USA’s Leading Spokesperson Comes to England; Expanding International Awareness and Healing Help

Katina Makris, CCH, CIH, herself having recovered from advanced neurological Lyme disease, co-infections, and autoimmune disorders, and the award winning author of “Out of the Woods, Healing Lyme, Body, Mind, and Spirit” and “Autoimmune Illness and Lyme Disease Recovery Guide, Mending the Body, Mind, and Spirit“, partners with pioneering activists, Lyme UK, to bring her 17 years of expertise on the subject to England, a country just waking up to how rampant their Lyme disease epidemic is.

As a Homeopath of 35 years, a Certified Medical Intuitive, and Epigenetic Therapist, Katina will share her health care recovery skills, preventative techniques, diagnostic tools, and hold a Q & A at two prime locations.

Friday, September 8:

Waterstones Bookstore, Broadmead, Bristol, England. Time TBA.

Tuesday, September 12th:

London England. 10:30am – 12:30pm. Location TBA.

Both events are free, but donations are welcome to assist Lyme UK’s pivotal educational work. Please see the flyer below for contact and registration information.

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“As a natural medicine practitioner, I had this toolbox to turn to in my 5-year recovery journey with chronic Lyme and autoimmune illnesses. Also, I understood the necessity of using an integrative medicine approach, to repair the systemic damages the aggressive bacterial infection induced.

Likewise, the emotional and spiritual suffering from this debilitating, powerful, isolating illness is just as real as the physical suffering. I bring support and valid take-home skills to you all. It is my privilege to help those suffering in the same place I was in.”

Do not miss the very talented, intelligent, compassionate, and inspirational Katina Makris in her only European visit for 2017. Her energy and gift for healing will touch you and prompt positive results.

This is a rare opportunity so register now. Katina will offer book signings, too.

Thank you!



Learn Intuitive Healing and Gateless Writing – The conduit to unleashing your full creative and healing potential


Are you tired of doctor hopping, being put on another medication with side effects, feeling trapped with implementing your creativity, or just curious to what your intuitive mind is all about?

With decades of professional experience in natural medicine and certified as an intuitive healer, Katina Makris joins with world acclaimed author, editor, and founder of the intuitive Gateless Writing method, in their beloved expansive and healing breakthrough 5 day workshop at the famous Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY.

Asked back for a second year, Katina and Suzanne work together in a seamless, nurturing fashion, via guided interior meditation exercises and gentle intuitive writing prompts that involve profound self discoveries, as well as spontaneous healing experiences.

Both gifted teachers and counselors and the safety of our intimate size class setting allows for personal transformation and a liberation of old wounds, blocks, patterns that we all gladly shed. New energy, awareness, and remarkable creative outpourings are in turn spawned.

The inner healer residing in each and every one of us needs a sacred space that beautiful Omega provides, as well as the seasoned guidance of the pairing of Katina and Suzanne’s expertise.

Please register now, as some scholarships are available. August 27th to September 1st.

With Blessings,

Katina & Suzanne