Lyme Disease in Belgium

Many people think of Lyme disease as a danger primarily in Eastern North America. The truth is that Lyme disease is a growing, worldwide epidemic that is ignored by the medical establishment. This week on Lyme Light Radio, I will be joined by two guests who will share the struggles, and progress, of chronic Lyme disease sufferers in Northern Europe.

You can tune this Wednesday, October 1 at 4PM Eastern Time at or on WBLQ AM 1230 in Southern New England.

Katlna Makris, CCH, CIH

Diana van Dromme

At the very early age, Belgian lyrical mezzo-soprano Diana Van Dromme started studying music. Playing the violin, piano and singing were her passion. What started as a hobby became her work. In 1997 and 1998 she graduated as a Master in Music, specialising in music theory and music education at the Royal Conservatorium of Antwerp. At the age of 37, in 2010, she received her degree as a Master of Music in Vocal Performance with a specialization in Classical Voice in the Netherlands. She was working as a teacher in music and as a vocal coach in music academies, gave recitals and was active on the concert stage.

She developed symptoms of Lyme Disease immediate during and after her Master Studies in 2010 and became ill regularly. In the meantime she got a degree as a psychosomatic therapist. Since the beginning of October 2013, she had to make the decision to give her healing and treatment the full attention that it needs.

It is her dream to start singing again and give vocal coaching, start a practise as a psychosomatic therapist and help lyme patients in their healing s. Therefore she recently started studying orthomolecular medicine and she hopes that this can be the beginning of a new future.


Dr. Kenny L. De Meirleir is a retired Full Professor at the Free University of Brussels, the Director of Himmunitas Foundation, and the Medical Director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute, University of Nevada, USA

The Glass Ball Foundation’s Bernadette Saddik and Scalar Energy Founder Tom Paladino on Lyme Light Radio

Life brings us many miracles- sometimes we do not even realize we are living them until we come through a difficult passage and out the other side, into sunlight and windsong, only then reflecting back on the moments of genius or grace or fortitude that were our allies. Lyme disease asks many things of many of us, in many ways we never fathomed we would need to face, nonetheless summit.

“Lyme Light Radio” welcomes two daring and innovative guests this week- a very interesting show for certain. First we meet the founder of The Glass Ball Foundation, Bernadette Saddik- a woman with a mission and very compassionate vision.

Also joining me is a brilliant scientist, Tom Palladino, explaining to us a very different form of energy, scalar, and how it relates to our health, well-being and illness. Tune into LymeLightRadio. com,, or Wednesday September 24, 1pm PT/4pm ET for a fascinating show!!

Bernadette SaddiBernadette Saddikk is a student at Santa Clara University double majoring in Mechanical and Bioengineering. She was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease and co-infections in August 2012. She can be seen on the Santa Clara University campus with an IV bag, but is determined not to let the debilitating symptoms of her chronic illness commandeer her life. She is the Co-Founder of The Glass Ball Foundation: an organization that is dedicated to providing solutions-centric financial support to those in chronic pain. Bernadette looks forward to becoming healthy again and resuming the activities that she loves, including ocean kayaking, tennis, playing bass guitar, and contributing to her health blog.

Tom PaladinoTom Paladino’s research and work with the scalar energy, began during his undergraduate years. He was inspired by various scientists, i.e., Hieronymus, Moray, Priore’ and especially Nikola Tesla, as to the existence of an energy that is not of the electromagnetic spectrum. With this inspiration, he pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness scalar energy.

Historic Lyme News on Lyme Light Radio

Lyme history was made on September 9, 2014 when the US House of Representatives passed HR9701 – The Tick-Borne Disease Research Transparency and Accountability Act of 2014, a bill authored by Congressman Chris Gibson (NY•19).

You can read Congressman Gibson’s statement here:

This Is a major step forward, acknowledging the necessity of taking Lyme disease seriously and the fact that research is important. David Roth, Co-Chairman of the Board of the Tick-Borne Disease Alliance (TBDA) will join us on air this Wednesday, September 17 to discuss the ramifications of this important political step.

You can tune this Wednesday, September 17 at 4PM Eastern Time at or on WBLQAM 1230 in Southern New England.

Katlna Makris, CCH, CIH

FORE Lyme Disease Golf Fundraiser a Huge Success

Tournament hosts Catalano and Sargent family flank speakers John B. Donnally and Katina I. Makris
Tournament hosts Catalano and Sargent family flank speakers John B. Donnally and Katina I. Makris
On September 8, 2014, the FORE Lyme Disease Golf Tournament and fundraiser was held at the world famous International Golf Resort in Bolton, MA. Their beautiful course is known as the longest yardage course in the world! The back tees are called “tiger tees” and play at over 8300 yards. Fortunately, our participants played at the white tees, still over 6,500 in yardage.

One hundred players hit the links for a 10:00 AM shotgun start, playing “Best Ball.” Spectacular September weather brought clean, dry, sunny skies. At 3:30 everyone convened for cocktail hour and silent auction bidding, with 150 attendees enjoying a a delicious dinner, award ceremony, and live auction. There was a spectacular show of philanthropy when a signed Tom Brady jersey sold for $2,001. Wow!

John Donnally, Co-Chair of the Tick-Borne Disease Alliance’s Junior Board, champion all-American lacrosse player, Lyme survivor, and incredible advocate who cycled across America in 2013 in the “Bite Back for a Cure” campaign, gave a heartwarming speech.

Event hosts Steve Catalano and Chris Sargent presided, explaining just how seriously Lyme disease has ravaged their families: children still suffering for years, and no cure in sight for so many of us. We learned how committed these men are to making inroads with Lyme, by funding the FORE Lyme Disease golf event, and galvanizing a community to fundraise.

I was honored to be the keynote speaker at this special event, bringing education and inspiration to our audience, as I shared my ten-year Lyme nightmare and complete recovery. The lengthy standing ovation warmed my heart deeply.

When I reflect on the over 80 presentations I have given in two and half years time, I fathom both how widespread the Lyme epidemic is and how paramount it is that events like this keep being created – as the government is “asleep at the wheel” on a public healthcare crisis and grassroots efforts are what will push the tide!

Of most stunning merit is that the tireless efforts of FORE Lyme Disease Golf earned $50,000 in fundraising on this lovely September day! How fantastic is that?!

Congratulations to the Catalanos, Sargents, all the participants, TBDA, and John Donnallly for your amazing contributions to this cause. Lyme disease is not going away and it is triggering all sorts of complicated auto-immune and neurological conditions in multiple generations.

Working hard like this, a twelve-hour day for all there, was tiring, exhilarating, and so very important. I hope other communities can duplicate these efforts.

You can learn more about the event and see photo galleries at and on my Facebook page,

Thank you Bolton, Massachusetts! – a special accolades to Christin Catalano for extra overdrive work!!! What a spectacular experience. I have new friends forever, now!

You can listen to the archived episode of my interview with event organizer Christin Catalano at

Blessings abound,

Katina Makris
