Lyme Disease Cases That Do Not Cure Fully With Dr. Wayne Anderson

This week I replay my interview with the renowned Dr. Wayne Anderson, which was a listener favorite this summer! Dr. Anderson pinpointed one of the ‘co-infections’ ticks also infect us with, mycoplasmas, as a culprit in Lyme cases that do not fully heal.

Katina Makris CCH CIH

wayne_andersonWith a background in education, Dr. Wayne Anderson understands the role of teaching in medical care. Working with grade school students he saw that diet and environment impacted student’s mood and behavior. This sent him back to school for training as a Naturopathic doctor. A growing focus on natural healing approaches in clinical practice in Oregon caused him to broaden his assessment and treatment skills and he earned the designation of Physician Assistant.

For two decades, Dr. Anderson practiced in a busy community-based family medical center, treating individuals and families from birth to old age. His emphasis on patients experiencing chronic illness grew. As he became aware of the prevalence of chronic Lyme disease and related conditions he realized the important part they play in chronic illness.

In 2002, Dr. Anderson left family practice to work with Eric Gordon MD. Now he has a practice with a concentration on chronic illness, using tools and experience from both conventional and integrative medicine. At GMA, with a growing focus on Lyme disease, he has developed a deeper understanding of chronic illness, its treatment, and the frontiers still available as possible solutions.

A curious and dedicated clinician, Dr. Anderson is committed to the ongoing process of learning and teaching. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Anderson maintained his initial focus on teaching. For over 20 years he taught medical students at Touro Osteopathic Medical School, and supervised residents from Sutter Hospital and interns from the Physician Assistant programs in the clinic setting. He is also a popular speaker on the topics of Lyme disease and neurotoxin illness.

For more than 25 years, Dr. Anderson has known that his patients are partners in the process of learning about and treating their illness, whether they choose conventional or alternative medicine or a combination of both. He listens to understand each patient’s strengths and challenges and improve his effective interaction with them. He sees every person as complex, integrated, and unique, and believes that treatment should optimize health and well-being.

An avid film historian and true music enthusiast, Wayne spends his spare time watching movies, old and new, and listening to a wide selection of music.

The Stranger and Me- A Christmas Blessing

At this season of celebration and sharing, many of us extend our love and care for one another with the traditional custom of gift giving.  Santa arrives with a slew of colored parcels or we carefully select the perfect something for a loved one during Hanukkah or Kwanza.  The preparation of cooking and shopping whirls our often hectic lives up a notch into a stratosphere of commotion.  It is fun and crazy-making both.  Amid, all the hub-bub, sometimes it is the quiet gift that reaches most deeply into our hearts.  I share my experience on such an offering.

Dashing amid the wheels of shopping carts, the grocery store is in a pre-Christmas skirmish of shoppers; hams and clementines topping the neighbors’ wares in the aisle with me. So much effort and love goes into these days of sharing and caring, it seems. I am a tad behind the curve this year, only selecting our tree this weekend, actually finding the last one in town, my family due in town tomorrow. Now, its’ bushy branches hoist my childhood ornaments of 50 years ago and my son’s tongue depressor reindeer from first grade. Prettily our tree twinkles in colored baubles, filling our home with cheer and anticipation.

The thought I am percolating on though was prompted earlier today in the market. Reaching for a cart, I backed up and brushed the heel of an elderly woman leaving with her bags of food.  A mere brush of my shoe and somehow she went into stock still frozen mode. I moved ahead and then glanced back…She remained frozen. I turned and went back to check on her  sensing something was wrong.

“Are you Ok?” I ask.

“No. I have a back problem and now am in pain,” an icy voice and stoney glare ahead, not at me.

“I am sorry. I know about pain. Can I help you in some way?” I offer.

“No. No one can help me,” the tone is like cement.

“Should I help you wheel your cart?”


“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. My foot just skimmed by your heel,” my sensing words express.
Stillness…no words, no eye contact.
I weave my energy from my heart towards hers…I stay still, too. 
She looks at me oddly. I smile. She glowers.

“I hope you have a Merry Christmas,” I suggest.

“Not possible,” she mumbles.

Am I daunted? Am I put off? A bit. 

Then a thought arises in me. Her cart is shallow in groceries compared to the others. Maybe she is alone?

“So, do you have family to help you?”


It was then that I felt her pain, more than the back or than the shoe skimming. It was the pain of loneliness. I knew that feeling.
I then heard odd words coming from me- “Well, I hope the spirit of your ancestors visit you this holiday. They can be a sort of company, maybe?”

“Yes. I have already lit the candles for them,” the crackled woman says.

Finally, her eyes meet mine.  I see the weariness in her soul.

I smile. She tries to. I nod. She moves on, and I hear very faintly- “God bless.”

Motionless, I absorb this moment of grace.  I turn and enter into the maze of aisles. The holiday freneticism throngs, yet a quiet pool sits in my chest. Two unsuspect strangers, threaded with a simple gift- that of human compassion.

God bless us all, alone, in company, in comfort, in peace, in need, in joy.  It is the gift of the heart that touches most simply.
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Katina I. Makris, is the host of “Lyme Light Radio”, an Intuitive Healer, Classical Homeopath, Inspirational Speaker and author of “Out of the Woods; Healing Lyme Disease, Body, Mind & Spirit.” Her next book “Auto-Immune Illness and Lyme Disease, Mending Body, Mind & Spirit” will be released by Skyhorse Publishing in September 2015.

When Lyme is Misdiagnosed as MS

This week on Lyme Light Radio, I am proud to welcome Christine Moore. For over a decade, Christine lived with undiagnosed Lyme disease and co-infections, which her doctors believed was MS. The MS treatments had no effect, and it was only after she received a proper diagnosis from a Lyme-literate physician that she was able to recover her health.
You can hear Christine’s amazing story of recovery this Wednesday, December 17 at 4PM Eastern Time at or WBLQ 1230 in Southern New England.
This is a critical topic and very frank example of what has sadly been happening for too many decades to too many individuals globally, as MS rates are soaring alongside the massive spread of tick borne disease infections! I URGE you to share this advance program notice with as many folks as you can, Christine is a tremendous advocate for proper Lyme disease diagnosis and treatments. Thank you Christine R. Moore for joining me,
Katina Makris CCH CIH
IMG_0842Christine Moore has been a Chronic Lyme Disease Sufferer for over 20 years. She was mis-diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996, after the birth of her first child. Her case seemed classic:
* 30 year old female
* stressor was childbirth
* presenting symptoms were numbness coupled with visual disturbances.
The results of her neurological tests led to a conclusive diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis…..or did they?
Christine comes from an automotive marketing background having worked for Saturn Corporation and Tesla Motors. The Tesla assignment was very short lived due to an extreme episode of confusion, hypomania, panic attacks and complete insomnia. This led to her resignation from her “dream job.”
Christine continued followed the MS treatment course recommended by her neurologist who practiced mainstream medicine. After taking high dose IV steroids (for the second time) and beginning the taper down process, she collapsed and spent the next 2 years bedridden.
Christine was ultimately diagnosed properly with Chronic Lyme Disease and Co-infections in 2009. Her Lyme Literate Medical Doctor was able to get her well through the use of an integrative approach addressing pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals/supplements and dietary changes.
Christine resides in Atlanta, GA with her husband, two children and family dog.


Renowned Research Pathologist Dr Alan MacDonald on Norvect Lyme Conference and the late Dr Burgdorfer

One of the most popular Lyme Light Radio episodes of all time was the historic interview Dr Alan MacDonald gave me last spring on the connection between Lyme disease and serious neurological disorders such as MS, ALS, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Dr MacDonald is a veteran researching pathologist who personally knew and worked with Dr William Burgdorfer, the discoverer of the Lyme disease spirochete bacteria, and he brings a wealth of knowledge on the USA’s fastest spreading infectious illness: Lyme disease. He will share first hand insights into Dr Burgdorfer, the early days of Lyme in the 1980’s, and the latest news coming from the Norvect Lyme Conference in Oslo, Norway — neurological illness as pertains to tick borne diseases.oie_14181430n2s8vIE3

With great honor, I welcome Dr Alan MacDonald back to “Lyme Light Radio” this Wednesday December 3, 1pm PT/4 pm ET. Make sure you join us as this will be an important interview, with a truly great man and cutting edge researcher.

Katina Makris CCH CIH