Healing From Lyme Disease Naturally with Dr. Gedroic

Lyme disease and the assorted co-infections (babesia, bartonella, EBV) that ticks carry can be an overwhelming process, breaking bank accounts, careers and many a spirit. This auto-immune style complexity of symptoms illness, has maimed missions of individuals in the USA alone.

As a survivor of advanced chronic neurological Lyme, I am a living testimony that antibiotics are NOT the only way to recover your life from Lyme. Though it took ten years of herbal, homeopathic, nutritional rebuilding protocols, I healed 100% and am passionate about helping others reclaim their lived from Lyme and co-infections. You can succeed!

Lyme Light Radio interviews a brilliant doctor this Wednesday, February 5th (my birthday!) 1pm PT / 4pm ET on TheDrPatShow.com and LymeLightRadio.com

Dr. Kristine Gedroic will share her success with Lyme disease by using the natural healing vehicles, that are akin to those which so beautifully helped me.

ImageKristine Gedroic MD. FAAFP, DABMAis a board certified family practitioner specializing in Integrative Medicine. She also has an expertise in German biological medicine.

Dr. Gedroic received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University and her medical degree from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She completed her internship at Cornell University and her residency at Overlook Hospital in Summit, New Jersey.

In addition, she had studied Integrative Medicine with Dr.Andrew Weil. Dr. Gedroic is also a board certified acupuncturist.

Please join us for a very uplifting and informative interview. You will gain insight into the pekana homeopathic formulas, Beyond Balance Herbs and Dr. Gedroic’s philosophy on how to tackle this truly shape shifting infectious disease.

Also – since it is my birthday. All day I will be giving away copies of my award-winning memoir and recovery guide “Out of the Woods”. Please email my office with your mailing address at katina.makris@comcast.net or call in during out 60 minute show 1pm PT/4pm ET at 800-930-2819!

Happy Birthday gifts to all you terrific folks!!

Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH