Dr. Wayne Anderson Discusses Genome Flaws and Links to Chronic Lyme Disease

Some people get infected with the Lyme disease bacteria (borrelia burgdorferi), take the prescribed antibiotics and pull out of the flu like pains and malaise readily. Certain folks get infected and their ultra capable immune function and genetic ancestry enables them to fend off the infection all together. Life goes on smoothly.

Then, there are the estimated 4,000,000 plus people in the USA, and millions more worldwide, whom are struggling with devastating chronic forms of illness created by Lyme disease. Their lives are compromised, fortunes are spent on treatments, many are misdiagnosed with auto-immune illnesses and Lyme or co-infections are the true culprits.

Why do some of us get destroyed by the bacterial infection and others not? Susceptibility is a factor in all illnesses – from a tendency to strep throat, pneumonia, MS or advanced neurological Lyme disease.

Dr. Wayne Anderson of the prominent Gordon Medical Associates team joins me on Wednesday, February 19 1pm PT/4pm ET on Lyme Light Radio. We will explore the fascinating studies of Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and the ‘genome flaws’ or genetic predisposition some of us were born with that set us up for Lyme disease to create maiming afflictions and ‘trigger’ other disorders.

This is a show you do NOT want to miss! When I heard Dr. Anderson present this information at ILADS Boston 2012, a major ah-ha moment clicked for me! This is ground breaking work and the reason why I was able to heal 100% from advanced neurological Lyme disease, by addressing these issues. It works!

ImageWith a background in education, Dr. Wayne Anderson understands the role of teaching in medical care. Working with grade school students he saw that diet and environment impacted student’s mood and behavior. This sent him back to school for training as a Naturopathic doctor. A growing focus on natural healing approaches in clinical practice in Oregon caused him to broaden his assessment and treatment skills and he earned the designation of Physician Assistant.

For two decades, Dr. Anderson practiced in a busy community-based family medical center, treating individuals and families from birth to old age. His emphasis on patients experiencing chronic illness grew. As he became aware of the prevalence of chronic Lyme disease and related conditions he realized the important part they play in chronic illness.

In 2002, Dr. Anderson left family practice to work with Eric Gordon MD. Now he has a practice with a concentration on chronic illness, using tools and experience from both conventional and integrative medicine. At GMA, with a growing focus on Lyme disease, he has developed a deeper understanding of chronic illness, its treatment, and the frontiers still available as possible solutions.

A curious and dedicated clinician, Dr. Anderson is committed to the ongoing process of learning and teaching. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Anderson maintained his initial focus on teaching. For over 20 years he taught medical students at Touro Osteopathic Medical School, and supervised residents from Sutter Hospital and interns from the Physician Assistant programs in the clinic setting.  He is also a popular speaker on the topics of Lyme disease and neurotoxin illness.

For more than 25 years, Dr. Anderson has known that his patients are partners in the process of learning about and treating their illness, whether they choose conventional or alternative medicine or a combination of both. He listens to understand each patient’s strengths and challenges and improve his effective interaction with them. He sees every person as complex, integrated, and unique, and believes that treatment should optimize health and well-being.

An avid film historian and true music enthusiast, Wayne spends his spare time watching movies, old and new, and listening to a wide selection of music.

Thank you Dr. Anderson – your work with tick borne diseases and ability to educate are brilliant.

Katina I. Makris, CIH, CCH

3 thoughts on “Dr. Wayne Anderson Discusses Genome Flaws and Links to Chronic Lyme Disease

    1. yes– all our shows are archived at TransformationTalkRadio.com, LymeLightRadio.com and on iTunes for free. Put my name in the search window—- a huge variety of shows and amazing guests!! Enjoy,

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